Uses of Interface

Packages that use MutableRequiredDefinitionInterface   

Uses of MutableRequiredDefinitionInterface in

Classes in that implement MutableRequiredDefinitionInterface
 class BaseDefinitionRange
          Base class for range definitions.
 class ColorDefinition
          ColorDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of one color value.
 class DataSourceDefinition
          DataSourceDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of one or more data sources registered in metadata.
 class DateRangeDefinition
          DateDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of a range of dates by specifying a minimum and maximum date.
 class DoubleRangeDefinition
          DoubleRangeDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of a range of double values by specifying minimum and maximum values for the range.
 class InputFileDefinition
          InputFileDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of an input file from a SAS server.
 class IntegerRangeDefinition
          IntegerRangeDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of an integer range consisting of a minimum and maximum value.
 class OutputFileDefinition
          InputFileDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of an output file from a SAS server.
 class SASLibraryDefinition
          Prompt definition allowing the user to enter or pick the location of a SAS library in the SAS Folders metadata tree.
 class StringRangeDefinition
          StringRangeDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of an string range consisting of a minimum and maximum value.

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