Uses of Interface

Packages that use VisualInterface Provides extensions of java.awt components which implement Access to base functionality in the SAS system, including selector dialogs and SAS code generation from templates. A set of interfaces for accessing two-dimensional data, and a set of classes for viewing and manipulating that data in tabular form. Additional user interface components not provided in AWT. 

Uses of VisualInterface in

Subinterfaces of VisualInterface in
 interface ContainerInterface
          ContainerInterface defines the behavior of container components.

Classes in that implement VisualInterface
 class Applet
          Applet is an extension of java.applet.Applet that includes ComponentInterface functionality and the ability to send events when the "state" of the applet changes.
 class AppletVisualComponent
 class Button
          Button is a pushbutton component that can display a specified text label.
 class ButtonVisualComponent
 class Canvas
          Canvas is the base class for heavy-weight webAF visual objects.
 class CanvasVisualComponent
 class CheckBox
          CheckBox is a component that maintains a boolean state and displays a specified text label.
 class CheckBoxVisualComponent
 class Choice
          Choice is a component that maintains a dropdown list of items for selection.
 class ChoiceVisualComponent
 class Component
          Component is the base class for webAF visual objects.
 class ComponentVisualComponent
 class Container
          Container is a subclass of java.awt.Container which implements the ComponentInterface, VisualInterface, and ContainerInterface.
 class ContainerContainerComponent
 class ContainerVisualComponent
 class Dialog
          The Dialog class encapsulates a window that contains components that accept input from a user.
 class DialogContainerComponent
 class DialogVisualComponent
 class Frame
          The Frame class provides a top-level window for applets and applications.
 class FrameContainerComponent
 class FrameVisualComponent
 class Label
          Label is a component that displays a single line of read-only text.
 class LabelVisualComponent
 class ListBox
          ListBox is a component that maintains a scrollable list of items for selection.
 class ListBoxVisualComponent
 class Panel
          Panel extends the java.awt.Panel class and contains webAF functionality.
 class PanelContainerComponent
 class PanelVisualComponent
 class ScrollbarVisualComponent
 class ScrollPane
          ScrollPane extends the java.awt.ScrollPane class and contains webAF functionality.
 class ScrollPaneContainerComponent
 class ScrollPaneVisualComponent
 class TextArea
          TextArea is a component for creating a multi-line area that can set and display text.
 class TextAreaVisualComponent
 class TextField
          TextField is a component that can set and display a single line of text.
 class TextFieldVisualComponent

Methods in with parameters of type VisualInterface
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.clone(VisualInterface sourceComponent, VisualInterface destComponent)
          This is a helper method meant to be called by subclasses.
static java.awt.Dimension VisualInterfaceSupport.computePreferredSize( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance)
static java.awt.Color VisualInterfaceSupport.getBackgroundColor( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance)
static BorderInterface VisualInterfaceSupport.getBorder( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance)
static java.awt.Font VisualInterfaceSupport.getFont( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance)
static java.awt.Color VisualInterfaceSupport.getForegroundColor( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance)
static int VisualInterfaceSupport.getHeight( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance)
static int VisualInterfaceSupport.getHorizontalPosition( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance)
static java.awt.Dimension VisualInterfaceSupport.getMinimumSize( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance)
static java.awt.Dimension VisualInterfaceSupport.getPreferredSize( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance)
static VisualInterfaceSupport.getPrePainter( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance)
static int VisualInterfaceSupport.getVerticalPosition( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance)
static int VisualInterfaceSupport.getWidth( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance)
static boolean VisualInterfaceSupport.isEnabled( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance)
static boolean VisualInterfaceSupport.isFocus( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance)
static boolean VisualInterfaceSupport.isTransparent( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance)
static boolean VisualInterfaceSupport.isVisible( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance)
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.paint( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance, java.awt.Graphics g)
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.paintHandles( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance, java.awt.Graphics g)
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.readObject( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance, stream)
          readObject is a helper method.
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.setBackgroundColor( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance, java.awt.Color color)
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.setBorder( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance, BorderInterface border)
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.setBounds( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance, int x, int y, int width, int height)
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.setDefaultValues( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance)
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.setEnabled( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance, boolean enabled)
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.setFocus( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance, boolean focus)
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.setFont( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance, java.awt.Font font)
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.setForegroundColor( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance, java.awt.Color color)
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.setHeight( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance, int verticalSize)
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.setHorizontalPosition( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance, int horizontalPosition)
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.setPreferredSize( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance, java.awt.Dimension preferredSize)
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.setPrePainter( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance, painter)
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.setTransparent( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance, boolean transparent)
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.setVerticalPosition( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance, int verticalPosition)
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.setVisible( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance, boolean visible)
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.setWidth( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance, int horizontalSize)
static void VisualInterfaceSupport.update( componentInstance, VisualInterface visualInstance, java.awt.Component awtComponentInstance, java.awt.Graphics g)

Uses of VisualInterface in

Classes in that implement VisualInterface
 class CatalogSelectorDialog
 class DataSetSelectorDialog
 class EISSelectorDialog
          EISSelectorDialog is a dialog that allows selection of eis entries.
 class LibrarySelectorDialog
 class MetabaseSelectorDialog
          MetabaseSelectorDialog is a dialog that allows selection of metabse and database entries.
 class RemoteObjectCustomizerPanel
          RemoteObjectCustomizerPanel is a class that can serve as the base class of of a customizer panel that needs to create a connection to create remote objects.
 class RemoteObjectSelectorDialog
          RemoteObjectSelector is a class that can serve as the base class of of a dialog that needs to create a connection to create remote objects.

Uses of VisualInterface in

Classes in that implement VisualInterface
 class CheckBoxCell
          Provides a cell view with the appearance and behavior of a checkbox.
 class NavigationBar
          A selector for navigating through a table.
 class TableView
          TableView is a class that allows two-dimensional data to be viewed, edited, and manipulated in tabular form.

Uses of VisualInterface in

Classes in that implement VisualInterface
 class AnimationIconView
          AnimationIconView is a component that animates an AnimationIconInterface object.
 class ArrowButton
          ArrowButton is a subclass of PushButton that displays an ArrowIcon and uses an AlarmButtonModel.
 class BaseButton
          BaseButton is an abstract class for creating a button.
 class BasicColorsCanvas
          The BasicColorsPanel is a panel to be displayed in an instance of ColorDialog or ColorCustomizer.
 class BasicColorsPanel
          The BasicColorsPanel is a panel to be displayed in an instance of ColorDialog or ColorCustomizer.
 class BorderedContainer
          BorderedContainer is a subclass of Container which has a 1 pixel wide, simple border around the outside.
 class BorderedPanel
          BorderedPanel is a subclass of Panel which has a 1 pixel wide, simple border around the outside.
 class BufferedPanel
          A panel that allows for doubleBuffering of components within it.
 class ButtonDialog
 class ButtonPanel
          ButtonPanel creates a consistent looking set of buttons in a row.
 class ClassSelectorPanel
          This class displays a TreeView with a ClassPathClasses model and allows the user to select a class.
 class CloseCancelCustomizerDialog
          CloseCancelCustomizerDialog is a ButtonDialog subclass which displays a
 class ColorDialog
          ColorDialog is a subclass of Dialog which displays components for color creation and a set of buttons to allow a user response.
 class ColorPanel
          The ColorPanel is a panel to be displayed in an instance of ColorDialog or ColorCustomizer.
 class ComboBox
          ComboBox displays a list of items for selection and contains an optionally editable text control that allows the user to enter text that is not in the list portion of the comboBox.
 class CompositeContainer
          CompositeContainer is a subclass of Container with some convenience methods for building composite objects.
 class CompositePanel
          CompositePanel is a subclass of
 class CustomColorsPanel
          The CustomColorsPanel is a panel to be displayed in an instance of ColorDialog or ColorCustomizer.
 class CustomizerDialog
          CustomizerDialog is a ButtonDialog subclass which displays a
 class CustomizerPanel
          CustomizerPanel is an abstract class from which each component's customizer tabs should derive from.
 class DirectoryDialog
          The DirectoryDialog allows the user to select a directory, rather than a single file (java.awt.FileDialog).
 class DualSelector
          DualSelector is a class used for manipulating items between two lists.
 class Fireworks
          Fireworks is a class that increments and decrements a FireworkIcon object when an alarm is fired and paints the icon in that state.
 class FontDialog
          FontDialog is a subclass of Dialog which displays components for font creation and a set of buttons to allow a user response.
 class FontPanel
          The FontPanel is a panel to be displayed in an instance of FontDialog.
 class GraphicalCheckBox
          A GraphicalCheckBox is a ToggleButton with a predefined set of images.
 class IconView
          IconView is a lightweight component class that paints an IconInterface object.
 class ImageAnimation
          ImageAnimation is a class that increments and decrements an ImageAnimationIcon object when an alarm is fired and paints the image in that state.
 class ImageSequence
 class ImageView
          The ImageView displays an image in the component area.
 class IndexedPropertyEditorHost
 class LabelView
          LabelView is a class that displays lines of text.
 class Marquee
          Marquee is a class that increments and decrements a MarqueeIcon object when an alarm is fired and paints the MarqueeIcon in that state.
 class MessageBox
           MessageBox is a subclass of Dialog which displays a text message, an icon, and a set of buttons to allow a user response.
 class NumericTextField
          NumericTextField is a subclass of TextField which has a default validator for integers.
 class OkCancelHelpDialog
 class OrientationSelector
 class ProgressDialog
 class PropertyEditorHost
          PropertyEditorHost provides a user interface for a PropertyEditor.
 class PropertySheet
          This is an internal class used by the component framework.
 class PushButton
          PushButton is a class that creates a button where images and text, or both can be displayed.
 class RadioBox
          The RadioBox is a panel that contains a SelectionGroup and multiple instances of SelectableInterface members(radio buttons) of that group.
 class RadioButton
          RadioButton is a class that creates a button with text and a default icon.
 class Scrollbar
          Scrollbar is a class that creates a lightweight scrollbar.
 class ScrollSlider
          ScrollSlider creates an object that functions as the track area on a Scrollbar.
 class SpinBox
          SpinBox is a class that combines a textField and a spinButton.
 class SpinButton
          SpinButton is a class that creates a component with two opposing arrow buttons that can be pressed to increment or decrement a value field.
 class StyledLabelView
          StyledLabelView is a sub-class of LabelView that parses the text into TextElements and paints it based on tags placed in the text.
 class TabBar
          The TabBar is a sub-class of CompositePanel that implements the TabBarInterface to contain TabButtonInterface components.
 class TabbedView
          The TabbedView is a container that allows multiple views to be defined in the same area and viewed exclusively.
 class TabButton
          TabButton is a subclass of ToggleButton that implements the TabButtonInterface.
 class TabFolder
          TabFolder is a subclass of Panel that has a TabButtonInterface property.
 class TextEditComposite
 class ToggleButton
          ToggleButton is a subclass of BaseButton that creates a button where images and text, or both can be displayed.
 class Toolbar
 class ToolbarButton
          ToggleButton is a sub-class of PushButton that creates a button that displays images.
 class TreeView
TreeView is a class which displays a hierarchical list of items.
 class UnitsBox
          A UnitsBox object is a visual component for entering a measurement value as a number, in one of a set of units.
 class UpDownListBox
          UpDownListBox presents a ListBox class with buttons for moving the items within the list box.
 class UpDownTextArea
 class WordWrapTextArea
          WordWrapTextArea is a subclass of that should be used when word-wrapping is desired.

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