Components |
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Interface Summary | |
ActionSource | Define a type (interface) for an object which emits java.awt.ActionEvent events. |
AppletStateChangedListener | AppletStateChangedListener interface is a specialization of java.util.EventListener. |
AppletStateChangedSource | AppletStateChangedSource interface defines the methods that are necessary for a component to support in order to act as a source for state change events from an applet. |
CompositeInterface | |
ContainerInterface | ContainerInterface defines the behavior of container components. |
VisualInterface | VisualInterface defines added behavior of webAF visual components. |
WindowInit2Interface | This interface must be implemented by applets and frames that wish to be initialized by a separate thread (see WindowInitThread). |
WindowInitInterface | This interface must be implemented by applets and frames that wish to be initialized by a separate thread (see WindowInitThread). |
Class Summary | |
ActionListenerList | Manage a list of listeners for the java.awt.ActionEvent event. |
Applet | Applet is an extension of java.applet.Applet that includes ComponentInterface functionality and the ability to send events when the "state" of the applet changes. |
AppletStateChangedEvent | AppletStateChangedEvent is a specialization of java.util.EventObject which is exclusively for state change events from the applet. |
AppletStateChangedListenerList | Manage a list of listeners for the com.sas.AppletStateChangedEvent event. |
AppletVisualComponent | |
AWTEventMulticaster2 | A class for saving AWT Event Listeners |
Button | Button is a pushbutton component that can display a specified text label. |
ButtonVisualComponent | |
Canvas | Canvas is the base class for heavy-weight webAF visual objects. |
CanvasVisualComponent | |
CheckBox | CheckBox is a component that maintains a boolean state and displays a specified text label. |
CheckBoxVisualComponent | |
Choice | Choice is a component that maintains a dropdown list of items for selection. |
ChoiceVisualComponent | |
Color | A class representing Color. |
ColorComponent | A ColorComponent class. |
Component | Component is the base class for webAF visual objects. |
ComponentBeanInfo | |
ComponentVisualComponent | |
Container | Container is a subclass of java.awt.Container which implements the ComponentInterface, VisualInterface, and ContainerInterface. |
ContainerContainerComponent | |
ContainerInterfaceSupport | ContainerInterfaceSupport provides a default implementation for the ContainerInterface interface. |
ContainerInterfaceSupportInfo | ContainerInterfaceSupportInfo provides a place for instances of components to store data used by the ContainerInterfaceSupport implementation of the ContainerInterface. |
ContainerVisualComponent | |
Dialog | The Dialog class encapsulates a window that contains components that accept input from a user. |
DialogContainerComponent | |
DialogVisualComponent | |
Font | A class representing Font. |
FontComponent | A SASFontComponent class. |
Frame | The Frame class provides a top-level window for applets and applications. |
FrameContainerComponent | |
FrameVisualComponent | |
Label | Label is a component that displays a single line of read-only text. |
LabelVisualComponent | |
ListBox | ListBox is a component that maintains a scrollable list of items for selection. |
ListBoxVisualComponent | |
ModalDispatchThread | Derived from the code in java.awt.EventDispatchThread. |
Panel | Panel extends the java.awt.Panel class and contains webAF functionality. |
PanelContainerComponent | |
PanelVisualComponent | |
RefreshCommand | Used with a com.sas.beans.PropertyChangeCommandAdaptor, one can set this as the command that executed whenever a propertyChanged event gets fired. |
Scrollbar | Scrollbar is a component that can scroll through a range of integer values. |
ScrollbarVisualComponent | |
ScrollPane | ScrollPane extends the java.awt.ScrollPane class and contains webAF functionality. |
ScrollPaneContainerComponent | |
ScrollPaneVisualComponent | |
TextArea | TextArea is a component for creating a multi-line area that can set and display text. |
TextAreaVisualComponent | |
TextField | TextField is a component that can set and display a single line of text. |
TextFieldVisualComponent | |
VisualInterfaceSupport | VisualInterfaceSupport provides a default implementation for the VisualInterface interface. |
VisualInterfaceSupportInfo | VisualInterfaceSupportInfo provides a place for instances of components to store data used by the VisualInterfaceSupport implementation of the VisualInterface. |
WindowInitThread | Provides a separate thread for initializing applets and frames. |
WindowInitUtil | Based on com.sas.awt.WindowInitThread Provides utilities for initializing applets and frames. |
Provides extensions of java.awt components which implement com.sas.ComponentInterface
Components |
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