Uses of Class

Packages that use Dialog Access to base functionality in the SAS system, including selector dialogs and SAS code generation from templates. Additional user interface components not provided in AWT. 

Uses of Dialog in

Subclasses of Dialog in
 class CatalogSelectorDialog
 class DataSetSelectorDialog
 class EISSelectorDialog
          EISSelectorDialog is a dialog that allows selection of eis entries.
 class LibrarySelectorDialog
 class MetabaseSelectorDialog
          MetabaseSelectorDialog is a dialog that allows selection of metabse and database entries.
 class RemoteObjectSelectorDialog
          RemoteObjectSelector is a class that can serve as the base class of of a dialog that needs to create a connection to create remote objects.

Uses of Dialog in

Subclasses of Dialog in
 class ButtonDialog
 class CloseCancelCustomizerDialog
          CloseCancelCustomizerDialog is a ButtonDialog subclass which displays a
 class ColorDialog
          ColorDialog is a subclass of Dialog which displays components for color creation and a set of buttons to allow a user response.
 class CustomizerDialog
          CustomizerDialog is a ButtonDialog subclass which displays a
 class DirectoryDialog
          The DirectoryDialog allows the user to select a directory, rather than a single file (java.awt.FileDialog).
 class FontDialog
          FontDialog is a subclass of Dialog which displays components for font creation and a set of buttons to allow a user response.
 class MessageBox
           MessageBox is a subclass of Dialog which displays a text message, an icon, and a set of buttons to allow a user response.
 class OkCancelHelpDialog
 class ProgressDialog

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