Uses of Class

Packages that use InitializationException SAS Foundation Services. This subsystem provides utilities to deploy and lookup SAS Foundation Services. Discover a service based upon its service capabilities and optionally service attributes. Broker events that are triggered by various transport protocols. Locate event brokers. Publish services. Session services. Execute stored processes. 

Uses of InitializationException in

Methods in that throw InitializationException
 void ServiceInitializationObject.addConfiguration(java.lang.String configName, java.lang.String configXML)
          Adds a configuration.
 void ServiceInitializationObject.addConfigurationDocument(java.lang.String configName, org.w3c.dom.Document document)
          Adds a configuration.
 void ServiceInterface.configure(ServiceConfigurationInterface serviceConfiguration)
          Configures the service.
 void RemoteServiceInterface.configure(ServiceConfigurationInterface serviceConfiguration)
          Configures the service.
 void AbstractService.configure(ServiceConfigurationInterface serviceConfiguration)
          Configures the service.
 void AbstractRemoteService.configure(ServiceConfigurationInterface serviceConfiguration)
          Configures the service.
 org.w3c.dom.Document ServiceInitializationObject.createDocument(java.lang.Object config)
          Creates an XML document representation of the service configuration.
abstract  ServiceAttributeInterface AbstractServiceAttributeFactory.getServiceAttribute(java.util.Map nameValueMap)
          Abstract method used to get a service attribute with its fields initialized with values obtained from the specified map.
 ServiceAttributeInterface AbstractServiceAttributeFactory.getServiceAttribute(ServiceConfigurationInterface serviceConfiguration)
          Gets the service attribute from the provided service configuration.
 void ServiceInitializationObject.setInitializationObject(java.lang.Object config)
          Sets the initialization object.

Constructors in that throw InitializationException
ServiceProxy(RemoteServiceInterface service)
          Constructs a foundation service proxy for the specified service.

Uses of InitializationException in

Methods in that throw InitializationException
 void AbstractMetadataSource.addServiceDeploymentName(java.lang.String serviceDeploymentGroup)
          Adds the name of a service deployment group to the set of service deployment groups that are to be deployed.
 ServiceAttributeInterface ServiceAttributeFactoryInterface.getServiceAttribute(ServiceConfigurationInterface serviceConfiguration)
          Manufactures a service attribute based upon the initialization data specified in the service configuration.
 ServiceAttributeInterface ServiceAttribute.getServiceAttribute(ServiceConfigurationInterface serviceConfiguration)
          Gets the service attribute.
 void MetadataSourceConfiguration.setMetadataSource(MetadataSourceInterface metadataSource)
          Sets the metadata source.
 void RMIConfiguration.setPort(java.lang.String port)
          Sets the rmiregistry port.
protected  void AbstractMetadataSource.setSoftwareComponentName(java.lang.String softwareComponentName)
          Specifies the name of the application containing foundation service deployment metadata.The metadata SoftwareComponent that serves as the root for the service deployment metadata hierarchy.

Constructors in that throw InitializationException
AbstractMetadataSource(java.util.Set serviceGroupNames)
          Constructs an instance used to deploy specified foundation service deployments.
AbstractMetadataSource(java.lang.String softwareComponentName, java.util.Set serviceGroupNames)
          Constructs an instance used to deploy specified foundation service deployments.
AbstractMetadataSource(java.lang.String softwareComponentName, java.lang.String serviceGroupName)
          Constructs an instance with the specified foundation service deployment name.
MetadataSourceConfiguration(MetadataSourceInterface metadataSource)
          Constructs an instance using the specified metadata source.
OMRMetadataSource( omi, java.lang.String repositoryNameOrID, java.lang.String softwareComponentName, java.util.Set serviceGroupNames, Environment environment)
          Constructs an instance with the specified SAS Metadata Server host, port, identity and password, and Set of String elements representing the foundation service deployments that are to be deployed.
OMRMetadataSource(java.lang.String omrHost, java.lang.String omrPort, java.lang.String omrIdentity, java.lang.String omrIdentityPassword, java.lang.String repositoryName, java.lang.String softwareComponentName)
          Constructs an instance with the specified SAS Metadata Server host, port, identity and password, and name of the foundation service deployment that is to be deployed.
OMRMetadataSource(java.lang.String omrHost, java.lang.String omrPort, java.lang.String omrIdentity, java.lang.String omrIdentityPassword, java.lang.String repositoryNameOrID, java.lang.String softwareComponentName, java.util.Set serviceGroupNames)
          Constructs an instance with the specified SAS Metadata Server host, port, identity and password, and Set of String elements representing the foundation service deployments that are to be deployed.
OMRMetadataSource(java.lang.String omrHost, java.lang.String omrPort, java.lang.String omrIdentity, java.lang.String omrIdentityPassword, java.lang.String repositoryNameOrID, java.lang.String softwareComponentName, java.util.Set serviceGroupNames, Environment environment)
          Constructs an instance with the specified SAS Metadata Server host, port, identity and password, and Set of String elements representing the foundation service deployments that are to be deployed.
OMRMetadataSource(java.lang.String omrHost, java.lang.String omrPort, java.lang.String omrIdentity, java.lang.String omrIdentityPassword, java.lang.String repositoryNameOrID, java.lang.String softwareComponentName, java.lang.String serviceGroupName)
          Constructs an instance with the specified SAS Metadata Server host, port, identity and password, and name of the foundation service deployment that is to be deployed.
RMIConfiguration(SSLRMISocketFactories sslRMISocketFactories, java.lang.String id, java.lang.String host, java.lang.String port)
          Constructs an RMI configuration using the specified rmiregistry host and port.
RMIConfiguration(java.lang.String host, int port)
          Constructs an RMI configuration using the specified rmiregistry host and port.
RMIConfiguration(java.lang.String host, java.lang.String port)
          Constructs an RMI configuration using the specified rmiregistry host and port.
RMIConfiguration(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String host, java.lang.String port)
          Constructs an RMI configuration using the specified rmiregistry host and port.
URLMetadataSource( inputStream, java.lang.String softwareComponentName)
          Constructs an instance with the specified URL metadata source and the SoftwareComponent name.
URLMetadataSource( inputStream, java.lang.String softwareComponentName, java.util.Set serviceGroupNames)
          Constructs a metadata source that is capable of reading services deployment metadata from an input stream.
URLMetadataSource( inputStream, java.lang.String softwareComponentName, java.lang.String serviceGroupName)
          Constructs an instance with the specified URL metadata source, SoftwareComponent name, and deployment group name.
URLMetadataSource( url, java.util.Set serviceGroupNames)
          Constructs an instance with the specified URL metadata source, SoftwareComponent name(s), and deployment group name(s).
URLMetadataSource( url, java.lang.String softwareComponentName)
          Constructs an instance with the specified URL metadata source and the SoftwareComponent name.
URLMetadataSource( url, java.lang.String softwareComponentName, java.util.Set serviceGroupNames)
          Constructs an instance with the specified URL metadata source, SoftwareComponent name(s), and deployment group name(s).
URLMetadataSource( url, java.lang.String softwareComponentName, java.lang.String serviceGroupName)
          Constructs an instance with the specified URL metadata source, SoftwareComponent name, and deployment group name.

Uses of InitializationException in

Methods in that throw InitializationException
 void ActivatableDiscoveryService.configure(ServiceConfigurationInterface serviceConfiguration)
          Configures service.
 void ServiceTemplate.defineServiceTemplate(java.lang.Class[] serviceTypeClasses, ServiceAttributeInterface[] serviceAttributes)
          Specifies the service type(s) and optional service attribute(s) that define this service request template.
 void ServiceDiscoveryConfigurationInterface.setServiceFactory(java.lang.String serviceFactory)
          Sets the fully qualified name of the Java class that serves as the services factory.
 void ServiceDiscoveryConfiguration.setServiceFactory(java.lang.String serviceFactory)
          Sets the service factory.

Constructors in that throw InitializationException
RemoteDiscoveryServiceProxy(DiscoveryServiceInterface discoveryService)
          Constructs a proxy to the specified discovery service.
          Constructs a default instance.
ServiceTemplate(java.lang.Class[] serviceTypeClasses)
          Constructs an instance of a service template which defines the type of service that's desired an optional attributes that may be used to distinguish among services that satisfy the same service type.
ServiceTemplate(java.lang.Class[] serviceTypeClasses, ServiceAttributeInterface[] serviceAttributes)
          Constructs an instance of a service template which defines the type of service that's desired an optional attributes that may be used to distinguish among services that satisfy the same service type.

Uses of InitializationException in

Methods in that throw InitializationException
 void EventBrokerService.configure(ServiceConfigurationInterface serviceConfiguration)
          Deprecated. Configures this service.

Uses of InitializationException in

Methods in that throw InitializationException
 void EventBrokerDiscoveryService.configure( initObject)
          Deprecated. As of release 9.2, this class is no longer being supported.

Uses of InitializationException in

Constructors in that throw InitializationException
DirectoryHierarchy(RepositoryInterface repository, boolean isCreateDirectoriesAsNeeded)
          Constructs an instance of a publishing framework directory hierarchy for the specified information repository.

Uses of InitializationException in

Methods in that throw InitializationException
 SessionContextInterface SessionServiceProxy.newSessionContext(UserContextInterface userContext)
          Creates and returns a new session context interface.
 SessionContextInterface SessionServiceInterface.newSessionContext(UserContextInterface userContext)
          Creates and returns a new session context interface.
 SessionContextInterface SessionService.newSessionContext(UserContextInterface userContext)
          Create and return a new session context.

Constructors in that throw InitializationException
SessionServiceProxy(SessionServiceInterface sessionService)
          Constructs a proxy to the specified session service.

Uses of InitializationException in

Methods in that throw InitializationException
 java.lang.Object StoredProcessServiceProxy.newStoredProcess(int serverType, StoredProcessOptions options)
 java.lang.Object StoredProcessServiceInterface.newStoredProcess(int serverType, StoredProcessOptions options)
          Create an instance of the current version of a Stored Process service object to be defined by the user.
 StoredProcessInterface StoredProcessServiceProxy.newStoredProcess(SessionContextInterface sessionContext, StoredProcessInterface storedProcessSmartObject)
          Deprecated. This method has been deprecated since it is a pass through call to the deprecated StoredProcessServiceInterface.newStoredProcess(SessionContextInterface,
 StoredProcessInterface StoredProcessServiceInterface.newStoredProcess(SessionContextInterface sessionContext, StoredProcessInterface storedProcessSmartObject)
          Deprecated. The StoredProcessInterface service object returned by this method cannot be used to avail of features introduced in 9.2 or later. See StoredProcessServiceInterface.newStoredProcess(, StoredProcessOptions).
 java.lang.Object StoredProcessServiceProxy.newStoredProcess(StoredProcessInterface storedProcessSmartObject, StoredProcessOptions options)
 java.lang.Object StoredProcessServiceInterface.newStoredProcess(StoredProcessInterface smartObject, StoredProcessOptions options)
          Create an instance of a Stored Process service object from metadata using the provided smart object.

Constructors in that throw InitializationException
StoredProcessServiceProxy(StoredProcessServiceInterface storedProcessService)
          Constructs a proxy to the specified stored process service.

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