***  This package contains classes that provide Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

Package com.sas.services

SAS Foundation Services.


Interface Summary
DocumentServiceConfigAdapterInterface Interface used to adapt an XML document to a service configuration.
InitializationObjectInterface Initialization interface specification.
MergePolicy Interface that describes the policy describing how to merge service configuration resources.
QuiesceInterface The QuiesceInterface provides a mechanism for quiescing and/or resuming a service.
RemoteServiceInterface Interface used to designate a service that is capable of servicing clients that operate outside of the JVM process in which a service was instantiated.
ServiceAttributeInterface Base interface used to describe an attribute of a service.
ServiceComponentConfigInterface Interface describing operations which pertain to a foundation service's configuration metadata.
ServiceConfigurationInterface The base service configuration interface optionally specifying an object containing data necessary to initialize or reconfigure a service and other service configurations.
ServiceFactoryInterface An interface used to acquire an implementation of a service based upon a desired service configuration.
ServiceInterface Interface used to designate a service that is only available within the local JVM.

Class Summary
AbstractRemoteService Abstract implementation of a remoteable service.
AbstractService Abstract implementation of a service.
AbstractServiceAttribute Service attribute describing some additional criteria that may be used to distinguish services that implement the same service type(s) as specified by Java classes.
AbstractServiceAttributeFactory Abstract implementation of a factory used to manufacture a service attribute.
AbstractServiceComponentConfig Abstract implementation of a foundation service component's configuration.
AbstractServiceFactory Abstract foundation service factory.
DefaultEntityKeyImpl The default implementation for the EntityKeyInterface as supported by the various services.
ServiceAggregateConfig An aggregation of a service's base and 0..* application configurations.
ServiceConfigDocument Service configuration XML document.
ServiceConfiguration Configuration data for a service.
ServiceInitializationObject Foundation service's configuration represented as an XML document.
ServicePermission A permission to act upon a SAS foundation service.
ServiceProfile Profile describing a foundation service's capabilities.
ServiceProxy Foundation service proxy.
ServiceState A service's state.

Exception Summary
IllegalServiceStateException Thrown when the object is not in the proper state for the requested operation.
InitializationException Initialization exception.
ParseException Parse exception is thrown when a parsing error occurs.
QuiesceException Quiesce exception thrown when an error occurs quiescing the service.
ServiceConfigurationException Exception used to indicate an issue with an invalid service configuration.
ServiceException Base exception class for all service related exceptions.
SyntaxException Exception that is thrown when a validation method has determined that an invalid syntax.
TransportException Thrown when the underlying system used by this service throws an exception.

Package com.sas.services Description

SAS Foundation Services.

Foundation Services Overview

Deploying SAS Foundation Services

Service deployment utilities provide the capability to instantiate and initialize a collection of Foundation Services using metadata defined in a SAS Metadata Server or exported from the server to a file.

Installation Utilities

Utilities are provided for use configuration scripts to install/uninstall a SAS Foundation Services deployment and optionally application configurations into a service that supports application configurations.

***  This package contains classes that provide Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

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