Uses of Interface

Packages that use AlarmListener Utility classes for 

Uses of AlarmListener in

Methods in that return AlarmListener
 AlarmListener[] AlarmListenerList.getListeners()
          Return a safe copy of the list of listeners for this event.

Methods in with parameters of type AlarmListener
 void AlarmListenerList.add(AlarmListener listener)
          Add a listener to the list of listeners.
 void AlarmSource.addAlarmListener(AlarmListener listener)
          Add a listener for the event.
 void AlarmInterface.addAlarmListener(AlarmListener listener)
          Add a listener for the AlarmEvent event.
 void Alarm.addAlarmListener(AlarmListener listener)
          Add a listener for the AlarmEvent event.
protected  void Alarm.init(AlarmListener listener, long millisecondDelay, long intervalMillis, int alarmCount)
 void AlarmListenerList.remove(AlarmListener listener)
          Remove a listener from the list of listeners.
 void AlarmSource.removeAlarmListener(AlarmListener listener)
          Remove a listener for the event.
 void AlarmInterface.removeAlarmListener(AlarmListener listener)
          Remove a listener for the AlarmEvent event.
 void Alarm.removeAlarmListener(AlarmListener listener)
          Remove a listener for the AlarmEvent event.

Constructors in with parameters of type AlarmListener
Alarm(AlarmListener listener, java.util.Calendar startDateTime, java.util.Calendar stopDateTime, long intervalMillis)
          Construct and start an alarm which will fire at the time specified by the start date/time, and recur at the specified interval until the stop date/time.
Alarm(AlarmListener listener, java.util.Calendar startDateTime, long intervalMillis, int count)
          Construct an alarm which will fire at the time specified by the java.util.Calendar and recur at the specified interval.
Alarm(AlarmListener listener, long millisecondDelay, long intervalMillis, int count)
          Create and start an alarm which begins firing AlarmEvents millisecondDelay milliseconds from now, repeating every intervalMillis milliseconds, until it has fired count times (or indefinitely if count is 0).
Alarm(AlarmListener listener, long startTimeMillis, long stopTimeMillis, long intervalMillis)
          Construct and start an alarm which will fire at the time specified by the startTimeMillis, and recur at the specified interval until the stopTimeMillis.

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