Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.


Utility classes for


Interface Summary
AlarmInterface An interface for Alarm objects.
AlarmListener Interface for objects listening for AlarmEvents
AlarmSource Define a type (interface) for an object which emits events.
BookmarkableInterface Defines an interface for objects that can be bookmarked.
BookmarkInterface Defines an interface for representing a bookmark.
BookmarksInterface Defines an interface for representing a set of bookmarks.
CommandsInterface Defines an interface for command producers.
ContextCommandsConsumerInterface Defines an interface for context command consumers.
ContextCommandsInterface Defines an interface for context command producers.
ContextInterface ContextInterface is an interface for objects that need to provide a context based on some positional data.
DynamicBeanInfoInterface Objects that implement this interface contain dynamic (as opposed to static) bean info.
Enumerator An Enumerator is an java.lang.Enumeration which also has a method to mark the enumerator as finished.
IndexedGetInterface IndexedGetInterface is an interface which defines a get(int index) method, commonly used for retrieving objects from indexed collections.
IndexedSetInterface IndexedSetInterface is an interface which defines a set(int, Object) method, commonly used for setting or storing items into indexed collections of objects.
IntegerRangeInterface Deprecated. Use the more general and the implementations, and
MenuCommand MenuCommand is an interface which provides the means for building a tree of commands.
StringPredicateInterface A predicate interface which allows the caller to test Strings for some condition.
ThreadedCommand Object which extends SimpleCommand to provide a method for executing a command in a Thread.
TimedCommandInterface An interface for a command which can execute under a timeout constraint.
TimerInterface An interface for timers.
TreeIteratorInterface Defines an interface for different tree traversal algorithms, for example preorder traversal, inorder traversal, and postorder traversal.
UserCodeGenClassInterface Classes that implement this interface will have an opportunity at code generation time to add additional logic.

Class Summary
Alarm A timed alarm which fires events at regular intervals.
AlarmEvent An Alarm event sent by an Alarm object when the timer has expired.
AlarmListenerList Manage a list of listeners for the event.
And The And class combines two PredicateInterface objects using a short circuit logical and ( && ) operation.
AppletHost AppletHost - implements AppletContext and AppletStub to allow any applet to easily run as an application.
ArrayAccess A wrapper for an Object[] array so that it may be sorted with the static sort methods in Sort
CloseWindowAdaptor CloseWindowAdaptor is an adaptor object which listens for a WindowEvent and disposes a window (i.e. closes it) when a window receives a close event.
CommandDispatcher CommandDispatcher is a class to execute a specified Command when an event is fired.
CommandManager Provides various utility methods for managing commands.
ContentServer A class for sending content to a browser (either through applet.showDocument or directly invoking the browser) or directly to an application.
ContentServer2 A class for sending content to a browser (either through applet.showDocument or directly invoking the browser) or directly to an application.
CurrentDate CurrentDate is a text model that updates itself with the current date.
CurrentTime CurrentTime is a text model that updates itself with the current time.
DateTimeMonitor DateTimeMonitor is a text model that updates itself with the current date and time at regular intervals.
DTRBBase DTRBBase is an abstract base class for all DTRB classes in various design-time packages.
DynamicBeanInfo BeanInfo for the DynamicPropertyBag object.
DynamicPropertyBag This abstract class represents a property bag component, which defines a collection of dynamic properties that can be specified at design time within the IDE via a customizer.
GCBarrier A class which maintains references to other objects behind a garbage collection barrier.
IntegerRange Deprecated. Use
Java2ComparatorAdapter An adaptor that allows a MenuSeparatorCommand Provides a command to serve as a separator in a list of commands.
Not The Not class negates the result of another PredicateInterface object
NthPredicate NthPredicate is a predicate which defers to another predicate test and returns true only when that predicate has returned true n (or more) times.
Or The Or class combines two PredicateInterface objects using a short circuit logical or ( || ) operation.
ParameterBag This class represents the parameters that can be passed to an application (via command line arguments) or applet (via HTML PARAM tags)
ParamObjectBase Base class for all Parameter objects.
PrefixPredicate PrefixPredicate is a predicate which tests if a string matches a prefix.
PreorderTreeIterator Provides a mechanism for visiting each node in a tree using preorder traversal.
PreorderTreeModelIterator An iterator for walking the nodes of a tree model.
PropertySerializer This class serializes the properties of an arbitrary class This class will serialize the public properties of any class.
ReverseComparator A Comparator which reverses the result of another Comparator.
ServletParamObjectBase Deprecated. As of version 3.0, this class has been replaced by Base class for Servlet Parameter objects.
Sort Sort algorithms for an Array.
StringComparator StringComparator is used to compare two string values.
SystemLog SystemLog provides a consistent way for applications and applets to report and/or record errors, warnings, and notable conditions that occur.
Template The Template class serves as a generic string substitution and formatting class.
TimedCommand TimedCommand executes a command, with a timeout.
Timer A timer for recording time intervals.
TransformingComparator A Comparator which run the items through a TransformInterface before comparing.
TreeIterator Defines an abstract base class for different tree traversal algorithms, for example preorder traversal, inorder traversal, and postorder traversal.
VectorAccess A wrapper for a XOr The XOr class combines two PredicateInterface objects using a short circuit logical exclusive OR ( ^ ) operation.

Exception Summary
TimedOutException An exception which is thrown when a time constrained command takes too long to execute.

Package Description

Utility classes for

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

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