Robert Allison

Robert Allison
Retired Principal Test Engineer, SAS

Robert worked at SAS for over 20 years until his retirement, and is perhaps the foremost expert in creating custom graphs using SAS/GRAPH. His educational background is in Computer Science, and he holds a BS, MS, and PhD from NC State University. He is the author of several conference papers, has won a few graphic competitions, and is the author of the SAS Press book SAS/GRAPH: Beyond the Basics.

By This Author

Visualizing Data with SAS®: Selected Topics 

Foreword by Robert Allison

Creative data exploration and creative problem solving begin with visualizing your data. Data visualization is critical in helping consumers grasp difficult concepts or identify new patterns that emerge from their data. Our data keeps getting bigger, and we need quicker, easier ways to convey it!

Topics covered in this free e-book illustrate the power of SAS solutions that are available as tools for data visualization, highlighting a variety of domains, including infographics, geomapping, and clinical graphs for the health and life sciences.

Robert Allison | SAS Support
SAS/GRAPH: Beyond the Basics

SAS/GRAPH®: Beyond the Basics

Written for the SAS programmer with experience using Base SAS® to work with data, the book includes examples that can be used in a variety of industry sectors.  Written for the SAS programmer with experience using Base SAS® to work with data, the book includes examples that can be used in a variety of industry sectors.

*This title is out of print.