Usage Note 49312: Updating an existing SAS® 9.3 TS1M2 Foundation installation to use Java 7 in z/OS operating environments
This note assumes that you have read and are familiar with SAS Note 49296: "Using Java 7 with SAS® 9.3 TS1M2."
SAS 9.3 TS1M2 now supports Java 7. Consequently, you need to reconfigure your SAS installation to be able to use Java 7.
This SAS Note guides you through modifying your existing SAS Foundation installation in the z/OS operating environment to include Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 7.
Important: Before starting this process, read through the entire note so that you are aware of all preliminary requirements and potential issues as well as optional ways to accomplish these tasks.
- The Java version must be at least 1.7.0 build date 20120901 (SR2) (31-bit).
- Note: This process does not address a SAS Server or middle-tier environment.
Part I: Install Java JRE 7 31-Bit
- If you are not running Java JRE 7 31-bit, navigate to the Java Standard Edition Products on z/OS page on the IBM website.
- On that page, click the IBM 31-bit SDK for z/OS, Java Technology Edition, V7.0.0 link to download the software.
Part II: Modify the JRE Path in Your Existing SAS Deployment
In this section, you edit your existing SAS environment to recognize the new Java 7 installation.
Edit the TKMVSENV member located in the &prefix.TKMVSENV dataset.
Here is an example:
Change this:
set TKJNI_OPT_LIBPATH=/usr/lpp/java/J6.0/bin/j9vm:/usr/lpp/java/J6.0/bin
To this:
set TKJNI_OPT_LIBPATH=/usr/lpp/java/J7.0/bin/j9vm:/usr/lpp/java/J7.0/bin
- From OMVS, use the cd command to navigate to your SASHOME directory.
- Make a copy of the sassw.config file.
- Using a text editor, open the original sassw.config file and modify the JRE value to include the full path to the new JRE.
- Notes:
- The pathnames are case-sensitive.
- This is an ASCII file. You can edit it using the EA command in SPF option 3.17, or FTP it in binary mode to your PC, edit it there, and then FTP it back to z/OS.
Here is an example:
Change this:
To this:
- Revise the TKJNI_OPT_LIBPATH path in the traditional MVS data set located in all members of the PDS high-level-qualifier.TKMVSENV.
Part III: Verify That SAS Foundation Is Referencing Java 7
Submit the following code in batch or interactive SAS:
proc options option=jreoptions; run;
proc javainfo all; run;
The output should show that you are accessing JRE 1.7:
java.fullversion = JRE 1.7.0 IBM J9 2.6 z/OS s390-31 20130205_137358 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled):J9VM -
R26_Java726_SR4_20130205_1656_B137358:JIT - r11.b03_20130131_32403:GC - R26_J130205_1656_B137358:J9CL -
Part IV: Download and Apply Hot Fixes
Follow the steps in the SAS Hot Fix Analysis, Download and Deployment Tool Usage Guide to download and apply hot fixes.
Ensure that the Java 7 specific hot fixes listed in links in SAS Note 49296: "Using Java 7 with SAS® 9.3 TS1M2" are included as appropriate for products in your installation.
Operating System and Release Information
SAS System | Base SAS | Z64 | 9.3_M2 | | 9.3 TS1M2 | |
z/OS | 9.3_M2 | | 9.3 TS1M2 | |
For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed
Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be
Date Modified: | 2013-05-02 14:04:44 |
Date Created: | 2013-02-28 17:21:58 |