Usage Note 20034: "ERROR: This server XXX cannot be spawned without credentials" message
if "sastrust" login account is missing
When submitting a request to the Stored Process Server, an error message
will appear in the Object Spawner's log file if the "SAS Trusted User"
does not have a "login" account specified. The error message will be:
ERROR:This server (xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx) cannot be spawned without
credentials which specify the server process username. You can
specify these credentials using SAS Management Console in the
Advanced Options of the server definition (found under the
Options tab in the server's properties dialog).
To correct this problem, perform the following steps:
- Using the SAS® Management Console, go to "User Manager". For "SAS Trusted User", click on the "Logins" tab. Make sure that a UserID and Password are specified. The UserID will generally be called "sastrust". On Windows, the UserId will generally be "your_domain\sastrust" (where "your_domain" is generally the host name of the machine where your Metadata Server is running).
NOTE: you need to log on to the SAS Management Console
as "Administrator" in order to add or check
the UserID and password.
- As a test, log on to the "SAS Management Console" using
the "sastrust" user account. At the bottom of
your SAS Management Console window, you should see
a message that says:
sastrust as SAS Trusted User
If you see "sastrust as PUBLIC", then there is
a problem with your "SAS Trusted User" login account.
- Check your Object Spawner's log file and make sure that a
login "UserID" (generally "sassrv") is specified for the Stored
Process Server. This information should be near the top of your
log file under "SASMain - Stored Process Server."
- There are other scenarios that can also cause the
"This server ... cannot be spawned without credentials"
error message. Check the following:
- In "User Manager", verify that "SAS Trusted User"
is a member of the "SAS General Servers" group.
See SAS Note #012938 for more information.
- In "User Manager", check "SAS General Servers".
Click the "Logins" tab and verify that "sassrv"
(or another similar user account) is specified
as the UserId and verify that the correct password is
specified. On Windows, the UserId will generally be
"your_domain\sassrv" (where "your_domain" is
generally the host name of the machine where your
Stored Process Server is running). Note the
"Authentication Domain" that is specified.
- As the error message suggests, using your SAS Management
Console, select properties for "SASMain - Stored Process
Server". Click the "Options" tab. Then, click the
"Advanced Options" button. Make sure that the
"Login" account is the account that you specified
in "Item 4B above" and that the "Authentication
Domain" is the same.
- See SAS Notes #012303 and #012471 for additional
information about this error message.
Here is a list error messages that will occur in various clients if the
"sastrust" login account is missing for "SAS Trusted User."
- If you run the Stored Process Server "Test Connection" test
from the SAS Management Console, the error message will be:
sam.s251.ex.msg: A problem occurred when connecting to a load
balancing spawner. Check the spawner log for details.
- If you submit a stored process request using the SAS Stored
Process Web Application (with "_debug=trace" specified), the
following error message will appear in your Web browser:
Stored Process Error
Unable to execute stored process.
Unable to connect to a Stored Process Server.
sam.s251.ex.msg: A problem occurred when connecting to a load
balancing spawner. Check the spawner log for details.
- If you submit a stored process request from Enterprise Guide, the
following error message will be displayed:
The stored process library failed to provide a data set
interface. The spawner was unable to redirect the client
Select the Hot Fix tab in this note to access the hot fix for this issue.
Operating System and Release Information
SAS System | SAS Integration Technologies | Microsoft Windows XP Professional | 9.1 TS1M3 SP1 | |
Microsoft Windows XP 64-bit Edition | 9.1 TS1M3 SP1 | |
Microsoft Windows NT Workstation | 9.1 TS1M3 SP1 | |
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition | 9.1 TS1M3 SP1 | |
Microsoft® Windows® for 64-Bit Itanium-based Systems | 9.1 TS1M3 SP1 | |
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition | 9.1 TS1M3 SP1 | |
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition | 9.1 TS1M3 SP1 | |
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional | 9.1 TS1M3 SP1 | |
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server | 9.1 TS1M3 SP1 | |
Microsoft Windows 2000 Datacenter Server | 9.1 TS1M3 SP1 | |
Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server | 9.1 TS1M3 SP1 | |
Linux | 9.1 TS1M3 SP1 | |
64-bit Enabled Solaris | 9.1 TS1M3 SP1 | |
z/OS | 9.1 TS1M3 SP1 | |
64-bit Enabled HP-UX | 9.1 TS1M3 SP1 | |
HP-UX IPF | 9.1 TS1M3 SP1 | |
Linux on Itanium | 9.1 TS1M3 SP1 | |
OpenVMS Alpha | 9.1 TS1M3 SP1 | |
64-bit Enabled AIX | 9.1 TS1M3 SP1 | |
Tru64 UNIX | 9.1 TS1M3 SP1 | |
For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed
Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be
Type: | Usage Note |
Priority: | |
Topic: | System Administration ==> Servers ==> Integration Technologies
Date Modified: | 2007-06-13 08:28:38 |
Date Created: | 2007-04-23 16:39:37 |