Example 10 for PROC GLM

/*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                 */
/*                                                              */
/*    NAME: GLMEX10                                             */
/*   TITLE: Example 10 for PROC GLM                             */
/* PRODUCT: STAT                                                */
/*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                 */
/*    KEYS: Homogeneity of variance                             */
/*   PROCS: GLM                                                 */
/*    DATA:                                                     */
/*                                                              */
/* SUPPORT: sasrdt                                              */
/*     REF: PROC GLM, EXAMPLE 10.                               */
/*    MISC:                                                     */

/* Testing for Equal Group Variances ---------------------------*/
data upsit;
   input agegroup smell @@;
1 1.381  1 1.322  1 1.162  1 1.275  1 1.381  1 1.275  1 1.322
1 1.492  1 1.322  1 1.381  1 1.162  1 1.013  1 1.322  1 1.322
1 1.275  1 1.492  1 1.322  1 1.322  1 1.492  1 1.322  1 1.381
1 1.234  1 1.162  1 1.381  1 1.381  1 1.381  1 1.322  1 1.381
1 1.322  1 1.381  1 1.275  1 1.492  1 1.275  1 1.322  1 1.275
1 1.381  1 1.234  1 1.105
2 1.234  2 1.234  2 1.381  2 1.322  2 1.492  2 1.234  2 1.381
2 1.381  2 1.492  2 1.492  2 1.275  2 1.492  2 1.381  2 1.492
2 1.322  2 1.275  2 1.275  2 1.275  2 1.322  2 1.492  2 1.381
2 1.322  2 1.492  2 1.196  2 1.322  2 1.275  2 1.234  2 1.322
2 1.098  2 1.322  2 1.381  2 1.275  2 1.492  2 1.492  2 1.381
2 1.196
3 1.381  3 1.381  3 1.492  3 1.492  3 1.492  3 1.098  3 1.492
3 1.381  3 1.234  3 1.234  3 1.129  3 1.069  3 1.234  3 1.322
3 1.275  3 1.230  3 1.234  3 1.234  3 1.322  3 1.322  3 1.381
4 1.322  4 1.381  4 1.381  4 1.322  4 1.234  4 1.234  4 1.234
4 1.381  4 1.322  4 1.275  4 1.275  4 1.492  4 1.234  4 1.098
4 1.322  4 1.129  4 0.687  4 1.322  4 1.322  4 1.234  4 1.129
4 1.492  4 0.810  4 1.234  4 1.381  4 1.040  4 1.381  4 1.381
4 1.129  4 1.492  4 1.129  4 1.098  4 1.275  4 1.322  4 1.234
4 1.196  4 1.234  4 0.585  4 0.785  4 1.275  4 1.322  4 0.712
4 0.810
5 1.322  5 1.234  5 1.381  5 1.275  5 1.275  5 1.322  5 1.162
5 0.909  5 0.502  5 1.234  5 1.322  5 1.196  5 0.859  5 1.196
5 1.381  5 1.322  5 1.234  5 1.275  5 1.162  5 1.162  5 0.585
5 1.013  5 0.960  5 0.662  5 1.129  5 0.531  5 1.162  5 0.737
5 1.098  5 1.162  5 1.040  5 0.558  5 0.960  5 1.098  5 0.884
5 1.162  5 1.098  5 0.859  5 1.275  5 1.162  5 0.785  5 0.859
proc glm data=upsit;
   class agegroup;
   model smell = agegroup;
   means agegroup / hovtest welch;
/* Perform a One-way ANOVA with Graphics and Diagnostics -------*/
ods graphics on;
proc glm data=upsit plot=diagnostics;
   class agegroup;
   model smell = agegroup;
ods graphics off;