Displaying Auxiliary Data with Stars

/*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                 */
/*                                                              */
/*    NAME: SHWSTR1                                             */
/*   TITLE: Displaying Auxiliary Data with Stars                */
/* PRODUCT: QC                                                  */
/*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                 */
/*    KEYS: Shewhart Charts, Star Charts,                       */
/*   PROCS: SHEWHART                                            */
/*    DATA:                                                     */
/*                                                              */
/*     REF: SAS/QC Software:  Usage and Reference, Version 6,   */
/*          First Edition, Volume 1 and Volume 2                */
/*                                                              */

data Paint;
   input hour  pindexx pindexr pindexn thick
         gloss defects dust    humid   temp;
1  5.8  3.0  5  0.2550  0.6800  0.2550  0.2125  0.1700  0.5950
2  6.2  2.0  5  0.2975  0.5950  0.0850  0.1700  0.2125  0.5525
3  3.7  2.5  5  0.3400  0.3400  0.4250  0.2975  0.2550  0.2125
4  3.2  6.5  5  0.3400  0.4675  0.3825  0.3485  0.2125  0.2125
5  4.7  0.5  5  0.5100  0.4250  0.5950  0.4080  0.5100  0.4675
6  5.2  3.0  5  0.5100  0.3400  0.6800  0.5525  0.5525  0.5525
7  2.6  2.0  5  0.4250  0.0425  0.8500  0.5355  0.5525  0.2550
8  2.1  1.0  5  0.3400  0.0170  0.8075  0.5950  0.5950  0.1700

proc print data=Paint noobs;

data Paintlim;
   _var_    = 'pindex  ';
   _subgrp_ = 'hour    ';
   _type_   = 'estimate';
   _limitn_ = 5;
   _sigmas_ = 3;
   _lclx_   = 2.395;
   _mean_   = 3.875;
   _uclx_   = 5.355;
   _lclr_   = 0;
   _r_      = 2.5625;
   _uclr_   = 5.4184;
   _stddev_ = 1.10171;

proc print data=Paintlim;

ods graphics on;
title 'Variables Related to Paint Index';
proc shewhart history=Paint limits=Paintlim;
   xchart pindex*hour /
      odstitle     = title
      starvertices = (thick gloss defects dust humid temp);

title 'Variables Related to Paint Index';
proc shewhart history=Paint limits=Paintlim;
   xchart pindex*hour /
      odstitle     = title
      starvertices = (thick gloss defects dust humid temp)
      starcircles  = 0.0 1.0
      lstarcircles = 1   2
      starstart    = '1:00'T ;