Phase Chart for Process Design Changes
/* S A S S A M P L E L I B R A R Y */
/* */
/* NAME: QCAD2 */
/* TITLE: Phase Chart for Process Design Changes */
/* KEYS: Shewhart Charts, */
/* DATA: */
/* MISC: This is the second of 3 examples showing different */
/* phases in the evolution of a process: 1) analysis */
/* of experimental results; 2) comparison of control */
/* charts for the process before and after design */
/* changes; 3) analysis of the capability of the */
/* improved process. See also QCAD1 and QCAD3. */
/* */
/* If you are using a monochrome graphics device, */
/* eliminate the CFRAMELAB and CBLOCKVAR options. */
/* */
data history;
input cgrp $ 1-4 _phase_ $ 7-10 @13 sdate date7. grp $ 22-37
strengthx 40-46 strengths 49-55 strengthn 58
idlabl $ 61-68;
format sdate date7.;
blue PRE 01APR89 Pre-Experiment 1.97944 0.14062 5
blue PRE 02APR89 Pre-Experiment 2.48484 0.87684 5
blue PRE 03APR89 Pre-Experiment 0.50000 2.00189 5 Blend 1
blue PRE 04APR89 Pre-Experiment 3.17709 0.47945 5
blue PRE 05APR89 Pre-Experiment 2.92237 1.45525 5
blue PRE 06APR89 Pre-Experiment 2.27755 2.83700 5 Method A
blue PRE 07APR89 Pre-Experiment 4.30000 0.64659 5
blue PRE 08APR89 Pre-Experiment 1.52258 0.09606 5
blue PRE 09APR89 Pre-Experiment 2.80568 1.81268 5
blue PRE 10APR89 Pre-Experiment 2.83434 2.50900 5
red POST 11APR89 Blend 2/Method B 2.57801 0.10846 5
red POST 12APR89 Blend 2/Method B 2.88020 0.69241 5
red POST 13APR89 Blend 2/Method B 2.91718 1.20157 5
red POST 14APR89 Blend 2/Method B 3.37730 0.29203 5
red POST 15APR89 Blend 2/Method B 3.13448 0.90590 5
red POST 16APR89 Blend 2/Method B 2.48655 1.48528 5
red POST 17APR89 Blend 2/Method B 2.60420 0.50914 5
red POST 18APR89 Blend 2/Method B 2.19494 0.08877 5
red POST 19APR89 Blend 2/Method B 3.00887 1.10697 5
red POST 20APR89 Blend 2/Method B 2.87061 1.58371 5
red POST 21APR89 Blend 2/Method B 2.30979 0.80874 5
red POST 22APR89 Blend 2/Method B 2.71150 1.01333 5
red POST 23APR89 Blend 2/Method B 3.05547 0.83832 5
red POST 24APR89 Blend 2/Method B 3.12099 1.05783 5
red POST 25APR89 Blend 2/Method B 2.86007 0.59240 5
red POST 26APR89 Blend 2/Method B 2.63251 0.80212 5
red POST 27APR89 Blend 2/Method B 2.52609 0.43571 5
red POST 28APR89 Blend 2/Method B 2.61211 0.93809 5
red POST 29APR89 Blend 2/Method B 2.68829 0.56397 5
data limits;
input _index_ $ _lclx_ _mean_ _uclx_ _lcls_ _s_ _ucls_
PRE 0.64293 2.47782 4.31272 0 1.28557 2.68556 1.36765
POST 1.63812 2.76680 3.89548 0 0.79078 1.65193 0.84127
/* xschart below shows a reduction of 38% in the width of */
/* the control limits */
symbol1 v=none c=yellow;
proc shewhart history=history limits=limits;
xschart strength * sdate (grp) /readindex=('PRE' 'POST')
readphases=('PRE' 'POST')
cblockvar = cgrp
readlimits phaseref stddevs
outlabel = ( idlabl )
outlabel2 = ( idlabl )
split ='/'
vaxis2 = 0 to 4
label strengthx = 'Avg Strength/Std Deviation';
title f=qcfont1 'X' f=none ' and S Chart for Fiber Strength';
goptions reset=all;