Lognormal Prob Plot for Nonnormal Data

 /*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                 */
 /*                                                              */
 /*    NAME: CAPPROB2                                            */
 /*   TITLE: Lognormal Prob Plot for Nonnormal Data              */
 /* PRODUCT: QC                                                  */
 /*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                 */
 /*    KEYS: Capability Analysis, Probability Plots,             */
 /*   PROCS: CAPABILITY                                          */
 /*    DATA:                                                     */
 /*                                                              */
 /*     REF: SAS/QC Software:  Examples                          */
 /*    MISC: Differences between graphics devices may result in  */
 /*          output that varies from that shown in the documen-  */
 /*          tation.  Check the SAS log if the graphical output  */
 /*          is not created.                                     */
 /*                                                              */

options ps=60 ls=80;

data plates;
   label gap='Plate Gap in cm';
   input gap @@;
0.746  0.357  0.376  0.327  0.485
1.741  0.241  0.777  0.768  0.409
0.252  0.512  0.534  1.656  0.742
0.378  0.714  1.121  0.597  0.231
0.541  0.805  0.682  0.418  0.506
0.501  0.247  0.922  0.880  0.344
0.519  1.302  0.275  0.601  0.388
0.450  0.845  0.319  0.486  0.529
1.547  0.690  0.676  0.314  0.736
0.643  0.483  0.352  0.636  1.080

symbol1 c=white v=star h=1.5 ;    /* Probability Points */
title 'Lognormal Probability Plot of Plate Gaps';

proc capability data=plates noprint;
   var gap;
   specs lsl=0.3 clsl=yellow llsl=1
         usl=0.8 cusl=yellow lusl=20;
   probplot /
   legend1 cframe=gray cborder=black;

goptions reset=all;