Section 1, Task 3: Create a PDB and Test Process, Reduce, and Report on Data
Action 2: Process and reduce your data

  1. Review the sample job step.
    //*                                                                **
    //* Load the PDB                                                   **
    //*                                                                **
    //LOAD    EXEC SAS,WORK='4000,4000',                          #1
    //        CONFIG='your.sascpe.CPMISC(CMCONFIG)'               #2
    //SMF DD DSN=YOUR.SMF.GDG(-3),DISP=SHR,UNIT=TAPE              #3
    //    DD DSN=YOUR.SMF.GDG(-2),DISP=SHR,UNIT=AFF=SMF           #4
    //    DD DSN=YOUR.SMF.GDG(-1),DISP=SHR,UNIT=AFF=SMF           #4
    //    DD DSN=YOUR.SMF.GDG(0),DISP=SHR,UNIT=AFF=SMF            #4
    //SYSIN  DD DATA,DLM='$$'
      * The CPXPDBNM macro variable can be set to the value PDB if *
      * you want to build views with MXG names. You might want to  *
      * do so in order to run your existing reports based on the   *
      * MXG variable names.                                        *
      *------------------------------------------------------------* ;
      %LET CPXPDBNM='PDB';                                        #5
      * IT Service Vision will not run unless %CPSTART has been    *
      * executed.                                                  *
      * %CPSTART allocates the IT Service Vision software and      *
      * the PDB.                                                   *
      * The MXGLIB= and MXGSRC= parameters are required for the    *
      * MXG software tool used  within %CMPROCES below.            *
      * The ROOTSERV= and SHARE= parameters should only be used if *
      * SAS/SHARE is being used with IT Service Vision.            *
      * If the _RC= parameter is nonzero from %CPSTART,            *
      * check the explanatory message in the SAS log.              *
      *------------------------------------------------------------* ;
      /* verify root= pdb= mxgsrc= mxglib= in the following */
      %CPSTART(MODE=BATCH,                                        #6
               SYSTEM=MVS,                                        #7
               ROOT='your.sasitsv.',                              #8
               ROOTSERV=,                                         #9
               PDB='your.newpdb.',                                #10
               DISP=OLD,                                          #11
               SHARE=N/A,                                         #12
               MXGLIB=mxg.mxg.formats,                            #13
               MXGSRC=('mxg.userid.sourclib' 'mxg.mxg.sourclib'), #14
               _RC=cpstrc                                         #15
      %put CPSTART return code is &cpstrc;                        #16
      * The %CMPROCES macro processes data from the log file named *
      * in the SMF DD card(s) or the first parameter into the PDB  *
      * that was established by the %CPSTART macro above.          *
      * TOOLNM=MXG and COLLECTR=SMF must be specified.             *
      * Only tables specified as the second parameter will be      *
      * processed in this example.                                 *
      * If the _RC= parameter is nonzero from %CMPROCES,           *
      * check the explanatory message in the SAS log.              *
      *------------------------------------------------------------* ;
      %CMPROCES(,                                                 #17
                   XRMFINT XTY70 XTY71 XTY72 XTY74,
      %put CMPROCES return code is &cmprrc;                       #18


    1. The values in the WORK space allocation are specified as blocks.

    2. The CONFIG member contains all the required and recommended SAS options for the optimal execution of IT Service Vision. This member is located in the CPMISC PDS.

    3. The SMF DD statement points to your SMF-style data, which is probably on tape. You will need to customize the dataset name and possibly the UNIT= parameter to meet your site's requirements.

    4. The quick-start job uses UNIT=AFF=SMF for the rest of the GDG datasets so that only one tape drive is requested.

    5. This statement is used to enable the creation of views of detail-level data such that existing reports based on MXG variable names can be used.

    6. The %CPSTART macro can invoke the IT Service Vision server in foreground or in batch. Here we specify that we are invoking it in batch. For the complete syntax of the %CPSTART macro, see the Macro Reference documentation for IT Service Vision.
    7. IT Service Vision can run under more than one operating system. You can, optimally, identify the operating system on which the server runs.

    8. The high-level qualifiers of your IT Service Vision program library (PGMLIB).

    9. The ROOTSERV= parameter was used originally to specify a SAS/SHARE server for the IT Service Vision PGMLIB. This parameter is no longer supported and is specified only for compatibility. You can leave the parameter or remove it. In either case it is not active.

    10. The high-level qualifiers of your PDB (the one created in the ALLOC job step).

    11. You will be updating the PDB (by adding tables, processing data into them, and reducing the data), you must specify DISP=OLD in order to have update access.

    12. The SHARE= parameter is used when the PDB is to be accessed through a SAS/SHARE server. Here, SAS/SHARE is not used.

    13. The MXGLIB= parameter specifies MXG.MXG.FORMATS, the MXG supplied SAS library that contains SAS formats.

    14. The MXGSRC= parameter is shown with a concatenation of MXG.USERID.SOURCLIB and MXG.MXG.SOURCLIB. MXG searches them in the order listed and takes the first copy of a member that it finds, so be sure that the PDS with your customized MXG members is listed before the PDS with the original MXG members.

    15. The _RC= parameter specifies that a macro variable, in this case CPSTRC, is to contain the %CPSTART macro's return code on completion.

    16. This statement prints the macro variable created in item15 (the variable that contains the value of the %CPSTART macro's return code).

    17. In this step of the job, IT Service Vision uses MXG to transform data from the SMF files into temporary (staging) SAS data sets and then IT Service Vision processes the staged data into the PDB. For the listed tables, IT Service Vision automatically adds the table definitions from the master data dictionary to the PDB's data dictionary. The _RC parameter specifies that a macro variable, in this case CMPRRC, will contain the %CMPROCES macro's return code on completion.

      For the complete syntax of the %CMPROCES macro, see Macro Reference documentation for IT Service Vision.

      Note: If the tables have already been added to the PDB, the table list is optional.

    18. This statement prints the macro variable created in item 17 (the variable that contains the value of the %CMPROCES macro's return code).

  2. Review the SAS log from the sample job step.

    Following normal SAS conventions, the SASLOG DD dataset is the log of the actual statements executed.

     NOTE: Copyright (c) 1989-1996 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.
     NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software Release 6.09.0450P052196               #1
           Licensed to SAS INSTITUTE DATA CENTER, Site 0001000014.
     NOTE: Running on IBM Model 9672 Serial Number 005599,
                      IBM Model 9672 Serial Number 105599,
                      IBM Model 9672 Serial Number 205599.
      Welcome to the SAS Information Delivery System.
     NOTE: SAS system options specified are:
     NOTE: The initialization phase used 0.18 CPU seconds and 966K.
     2            *------------------------------------------------------------*
     3            * The CPXPDBNM macro variable can be set to the value PDB if *
     4            * you want to build views with MXG names. You might want to  *
     5            * do so in order to run your existing reports based on the   *
     6            * MXG variable names.                                        *
     7            *------------------------------------------------------------* ;
     8            %LET CPXPDBNM='PDB';
     11           *------------------------------------------------------------*
     12           * You must execute %CPSTART to run IT Service Version.  This *
     13           * macro initiates IT Service Vision and allocates the PDB.   *
     14           * The MXGLIB= parameter is required whenever your PDB        *
     15           * contains tables processed with MXG.  The MXGSRC= parameter *
     16           * is required only if you use %CMPROCES with MXG in this     *
     17           * job step.  The ROOTSERV= and SHARE= parameters should only *
     18           * be used if SAS/SHARE is being used with IT Service Vision. *
     19           * If the _RC= parameter is nonzero from %CPSTART,            *
     20           * check the explanatory message in the SAS log.              *
     21           *------------------------------------------------------------* ;
     23           /* verify root= pdb= mxgsrc= mxglib= in the following */
     24           %CPSTART(...);                                               #2
     NOTE: CPE2001 SAS/CPE initialization in progress.                         #3
     NOTE: CPE2020 ROOT is now CPD.TS45501.
     NOTE: SAS/CPE (r) Version CP1.0501.
     NOTE: SAS/CPE Level TS45501 - IT Service Vision 1.
     NOTE: Site library CPD.TS45000.SITELIB access=READONLY server=.
     NOTE: Copying default TABINFO data set to DICTLIB.                        #4
     NOTE: Copying default VARINFO data set to DICTLIB.
     NOTE: Copying default TREDINFO data set to DICTLIB.
     NOTE: Copying default VREDINFO data set to DICTLIB.
     NOTE: The data set SASUSER.CPUSROPT has 1 observations and 27 variables.
     NOTE: The data set DICTLIB.CPPDBOPT has 1 observations and 7 variables.
     35         %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(VMXGINIT);                                   #5
     94         %VMXGINIT;
     NOTE: The detail library of the SAS/CPE PDB is allocated twice, once
           for SAS/CPE and once for the surfacing of MXG views. Thus,
           any warning message regarding the allocations can be ignored.
     WARNING: Since library SASABC.QSTART.DETAIL was already allocated, any allocation options specified on the LIBNAME statement were
              not able to be processed.
     NOTE: Data set SASABC.QSTART.DICTLIB has been deallocated.                #6
     NOTE: Adding catalogs to user-specified FMTSEARCH list.
     96           %put CPSTART return code is &cpstrc
     CPSTART return code is 0                                                  #7
     99           *------------------------------------------------------------*
     100          * The %CMPROCES macro processes data from the log file named *
     101          * in the SMF DD card(s) or the first parameter into the PDB  *
     102          * that was established by the %CPSTART macro above.          *
     103          * TOOLNM=MXG and COLLECTR=SMF must be specified.             *
     104          * Only tables specified as the second parameter will be      *
     105          * processed in this example.                                 *
     106          * If the _RC= parameter is nonzero from %CMPROCES,           *
     107          * check the explanatory message in the SAS log.              *
     108          *------------------------------------------------------------* ;
     110          /* verify the list of tables in the following */
     111          %CMPROCES(...);                                              #8
     NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.05 CPU seconds and 2479K.
     NOTE: 5 tables will be processed.
     NOTE: Process phase 1, reading of log file(s) begins.
     NOTE: Tool being used is MXG.
     NOTE: Dictionary table index missing.                                     #9
     NOTE: Dictionary table index created.
     NOTE: Dictionary table reduction index missing.
     NOTE: Dictionary table reduction index created.
     NOTE: Dictionary variable index missing.
     NOTE: Dictionary variable index created.
     NOTE: Dictionary variable reduction index missing.
     NOTE: Dictionary variable reduction index created.
    			.                                                  #10
     NOTE: The infile SMF is:                                                  #11
       FIRST RECORD IN GROUP:    SYSTEM=PRC4 SMFTIME=03JUL1997:00:54:24.50
     NOTE: 371571 records were read from the infile SMF.
           The minimum record length was 14.
           The maximum record length was 32744.
     NOTE: Missing values were generated as a result of performing an operation on missing values.
           Each place is given by: (Number of times) at (Line):(Column).
           61 at 106854:17   51 at 106857:17   52 at 106860:17   41 at 106863:17   55 at 106866:17   41 at 106869:21   41 at 106869:22
           49 at 106870:17   11 at 106871:42   11 at 106871:51   51 at 106992:12
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE70 has 61 observations and 383 variables.     #12
     NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TYPE70 decreased size by 0.00 percent.
           Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 2 pages.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE70PR has 488 observations and 34 variables.
     NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TYPE70PR decreased size by 9.09 percent.
           Compressed is 10 pages; un-compressed would require 11 pages.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE72 has 1296 observations and 98 variables.
     NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TYPE72 decreased size by 21.88 percent.
           Compressed is 25 pages; un-compressed would require 32 pages.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE72DL has 0 observations and 35 variables.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE72GO has 0 observations and 170 variables.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE72MN has 1164 observations and 81 variables.
     NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TYPE72MN decreased size by 43.48 percent.
           Compressed is 13 pages; un-compressed would require 23 pages.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE72SC has 0 observations and 16 variables.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE7204 has 0 observations and 73 variables.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE71 has 61 observations and 308 variables.
     NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TYPE71 decreased size by 0.00 percent.
           Compressed is 3 pages; un-compressed would require 3 pages.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE73 has 3477 observations and 45 variables.
     NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TYPE73 decreased size by 21.05 percent.
           Compressed is 45 pages; un-compressed would require 57 pages.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE73P has 0 observations and 30 variables.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE73L has 0 observations and 39 variables.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE74 has 13397 observations and 101 variables.
     NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TYPE74 decreased size by 22.68 percent.
           Compressed is 242 pages; un-compressed would require 313 pages.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE74TD has 61 observations and 11 variables.
     NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TYPE74TD decreased size by 0.00 percent.
           Compressed is 1 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE74CO has 61 observations and 17 variables.
     NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TYPE74CO decreased size by 0.00 percent.
           Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 2 pages.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE74ME has 290 observations and 16 variables.
     NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TYPE74ME decreased size by 16.67 percent.
           Compressed is 5 pages; un-compressed would require 6 pages.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE74PA has 0 observations and 29 variables.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE74SY has 61 observations and 23 variables.
     NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TYPE74SY decreased size by 0.00 percent.
           Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 2 pages.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE74OM has 0 observations and 82 variables.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE74CF has 0 observations and 356 variables.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE74ST has 0 observations and 85 variables.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE74CA has 5452 observations and 154 variables.
     NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TYPE74CA decreased size by 38.94 percent.
           Compressed is 69 pages; un-compressed would require 113 pages.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE74LK has 0 observations and 26 variables.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE75 has 915 observations and 40 variables.
     NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TYPE75 decreased size by 11.11 percent.
           Compressed is 16 pages; un-compressed would require 18 pages.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE77 has 692 observations and 43 variables.
     NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TYPE77 decreased size by 25.00 percent.
           Compressed is 12 pages; un-compressed would require 16 pages.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE78 has 0 observations and 29 variables.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE78CF has 971 observations and 32 variables.
     NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TYPE78CF decreased size by 4.55 percent.
           Compressed is 21 pages; un-compressed would require 22 pages.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE78CU has 361 observations and 23 variables.
     NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TYPE78CU decreased size by 0.00 percent.
           Compressed is 8 pages; un-compressed would require 8 pages.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE78IO has 61 observations and 23 variables.
     NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TYPE78IO decreased size by 0.00 percent.
           Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 2 pages.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE78PA has 0 observations and 102 variables.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE78SP has 0 observations and 18 variables.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE78VS has 61 observations and 445 variables.
     NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TYPE78VS decreased size by 20.00 percent.
           Compressed is 4 pages; un-compressed would require 5 pages.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE89 has 157 observations and 29 variables.
     NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TYPE89 decreased size by 0.00 percent.
           Compressed is 3 pages; un-compressed would require 3 pages.
     NOTE: The data set WORK.TYPE892 has 1363 observations and 28 variables.
     NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.TYPE892 decreased size by 19.05 percent.
           Compressed is 17 pages; un-compressed would require 21 pages.
     NOTE: The DATA statement used 75.76 CPU seconds and 9896K.
     112914            options errorcheck=normal;
     NOTE: Now performing Post Processing for RMFINTRV.                        #13
                 .                                                             #14
     Table    # obs.   Obs. in           # obs                                 #15
     Name     in PDB   Input    # obs.   w/dupl   Current  Current Data Range
              DETAIL            Added    by-vars  Obs. in
              Before            to PDB   in PDB   PDB      From: Earliest
              Proces   (Aged)   DETAIL   DETAIL   DETAIL   To:   Latest
     XRMFINT        0       61       61        0       61  03JUL97:00:45:00.00
                       (0)                                 03JUL97:15:45:00.00
     XTY70          0       61       61        0       61  03JUL97:00:45:00.00
                       (0)                                 03JUL97:15:45:00.00
     XTY71          0       61       61        0       61  03JUL97:00:45:00.00
                       (0)                                 03JUL97:15:45:00.00
     XTY72          0     1296     1296        0     1296  03JUL97:00:45:00.00
                       (0)                                 03JUL97:15:45:00.00
     XTY74          0    13397    13397        0    13397  03JUL97:00:45:00.00
                       (0)                                 03JUL97:15:45:00.00
           ****  No exits used for this run of process  ****
     124031            proc datasets library=work kill nolist ;
     NOTE: Deleting WORK.ASUM70PR (memtype=DATA).                              #16
     NOTE: Deleting WORK.TYPE892 (memtype=DATA).
     124032            run;
     124032                 quit;
     NOTE: The PROCEDURE DATASETS used 0.11 CPU seconds and 11578K.
     124033            options source source2 notes ;
     124035       %put CMPROCES return code is &cmprrc                         #17
     CMPROCES return code is 0


    1. These messages are tailored to your site, with information about your site's license of base SAS software.

    2. This statement invokes IT Service Vision. The parameter list is omitted for brevity.

    3. IT Service Vision writes messages to the SAS log. The messages indicate the level of the software and what libraries it is using. This is the number and name of the release.

    4. Because this is a new PDB, IT Service Vision copies default table and variable information to the PDB.

    5. The IT Service Vision software runs MXG initialization software as part of its startup.

    6. This message and the subsequent warning can be ignored. They are caused by an internal verification that the DETAIL library is allocated.

    7. The %PUT statement prints the value of the %CPSTART macro's return code.

    8. This is the statement that invokes the processing of data into the PDB. The parameters are omitted for brevity.

    9. IT Service Vision verifies and, if needed, builds necessary indices for use by the process step (%CMPROCES) and the reduce step (%CPREDUCE).

    10. To display the MXG source code on your logs, you could use this statement after %CPSTART and before %CMPROCES:

      %let cp_nmsg=2;

      where cp_nmsg is an IT Service Vision global macro variable that controls the number of (that is, level of) messages that are displayed. The default setting of cp_nmsg is 0.

    11. Information about the SMF file that is being read is displayed to the SAS log by MXG.

    12. These messages show how many of each type of record is in the raw data.

    13. After MXG writes the raw data to SAS data sets, MXG summarizes the different RMF data types into the RMF interval data set.

    14. The rest of the notes related to subsequent MXG processing and IT Service Vision processing are omitted for brevity.

    15. After the process step completes, IT Service Vision writes a report to the SAS log. The report tells how many records (observations) were read for each table as well as other PDB information.

    16. This message refers to cleanup work done after the process step completes.

    17. The %PUT statement prints the value of the %CMPROCES macro's return code.

  3. Tailor this step for your collector.

    This information is from collector-specific members in CPMISC. See those members for further information.

    TMON DB2

    Version 1

    Version 2


    Version 1.3 or greater

    Earlier than Version 1.3

  4. Review the input from the model job's partial job step:
    * The %CPREDUCE macro reduces data in the current PDB detail *
    * level into the day, week, month and year reduction levels. *
    * The variable and statistics kept are defined in the data   *
    * dictionary.                                                *
    * As no table list is specified as the first parameter,      *
    * reduction will be performed on all the tables in the PDB.  *
    * If the _RC= parameter is nonzero from %CPREDUCE            *
    * check the explanatory message in the SAS log.              *
    %CPREDUCE (, _RC=cpredrd);                                #1
    %PUT CPREDUCE return code is &cpredrc;                    #2


    1. Next, the %CPREDUCE macro calculates the default summary statistics on the data that were processed into the PDB in the previous step and writes the statistics to the day, week, month, and year levels of the PDB. The _RC= parameter specifies that a macro variable, in this case CPREDRC, will contain the %CPREDUCE macro's return code on completion.

      For a complete syntax of the %CPREDUCE macro, see the Macro Reference documentation for IT Service Vision.

    2. This statement prints the value of the return code from this invocation of the %CPREDUCE macro.

  1. Review the output from the model job's partial job step.
     124049       %CPREDUCE(...);                                                  #1
     NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.02 CPU seconds and 11622K.
     NOTE: Checkpoint data set DICTLIB.CKPTINFO does not exist.                    #2
     REDUCTION STATUS: Now processing table XRMFINT.                               #3
     REDUCTION STATUS: # obns extracted from DETAIL: 61.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Successfully processed DAY.XRMFINT.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Successfully processed WEEK.XRMFINT.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Successfully processed MONTH.XRMFINT.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Successfully processed YEAR.XRMFINT.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Now processing table XTY70.
     REDUCTION STATUS: # obns extracted from DETAIL: 61.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Successfully processed DAY.XTY70.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Successfully processed WEEK.XTY70.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Successfully processed MONTH.XTY70.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Successfully processed YEAR.XTY70.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Now processing table XTY71.
     REDUCTION STATUS: # obns extracted from DETAIL: 61.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Successfully processed DAY.XTY71.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Successfully processed WEEK.XTY71.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Successfully processed MONTH.XTY71.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Successfully processed YEAR.XTY71.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Now processing table XTY72.
     REDUCTION STATUS: # obns extracted from DETAIL: 1296.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Successfully processed DAY.XTY72.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Successfully processed WEEK.XTY72.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Successfully processed MONTH.XTY72.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Successfully processed YEAR.XTY72.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Now processing table XTY74.
     REDUCTION STATUS: # obns extracted from DETAIL: 13397.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Successfully processed DAY.XTY74.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Successfully processed WEEK.XTY74.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Successfully processed MONTH.XTY74.
     REDUCTION STATUS: Successfully processed YEAR.XTY74.
     ************************* FINAL STATUS OF REDUCTION ************************* #4
     *                  #Obns     #Obns                                          *
     * Table   Level   (Comp.)   (Part.) Oldest Datetime      Newest Datetime    *
     * ------- ------ ---------- ------- -------------------  ------------------ *
     * XRMFINT DETAIL         61  -N/A-   03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XRMFINT DAY            16  -N/A-   03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XRMFINT WEEK            0      16  03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XRMFINT MONTH           0      16  03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XRMFINT YEAR            0      16  03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XTY70   DETAIL         61  -N/A-   03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XTY70   DAY            16  -N/A-   03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XTY70   WEEK            0      16  03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XTY70   MONTH           0      16  03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XTY70   YEAR            0      16  03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XTY71   DETAIL         61  -N/A-   03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XTY71   DAY            16  -N/A-   03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XTY71   WEEK            0      16  03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XTY71   MONTH           0      16  03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XTY71   YEAR            0      16  03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XTY72   DETAIL       1296  -N/A-   03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XTY72   DAY           357  -N/A-   03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XTY72   WEEK            0     357  03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XTY72   MONTH           0     357  03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XTY72   YEAR            0     357  03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XTY74   DETAIL      13397  -N/A-   03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XTY74   DAY          3562  -N/A-   03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XTY74   WEEK            0    3562  03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XTY74   MONTH           0    3562  03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     * XTY74   YEAR            0    3562  03JUL1997:00:45:00  03JUL1997:15:45:00 *
     ****************** END OF FINAL STATUS OF REDUCTION *************************
     NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.01 CPU seconds and 11622K.
     147195       %PUT CPREDUCE return code is &cpredrc                            #5
     CPREDUCE return code is 0


    1. The %CPREDUCE macro directs IT Service Vision to perform data reduction from detail level to non-detail levels in the PDB.

      The complete syntax for the %CPREDUCE macro can be found in the Macro Reference documentation for IT Service Vision.

    2. The reduction step checks to see if the previous reduction failed. If so, the reduction step will re-start from the most recent checkpoint. (Because this is not a restart situation, no previous checkpoint data set exists.)

    3. The reduction step prints out messages as it processes each table.

    4. A final reduction report is produced that indicates, for each table, the number of observations at each level of the PDB as well as the date range for the data at each level of the PDB.

    5. The %PUT statement prints the value of the return code from this invocation of the %CPREDUCE macro.

  1. (optional) Tailor the partial job step for your collector.

    This partial job step (the %CPREDUCE macro), does not need to be tailored.

    As used here, the %CPREDUCE macro invocation does not specify the first parameter. Thus it runs on all data processed after the previous reduction (which in this case means all the processed data in the PDB).