Section 1, Task 3: Create a Test PDB and Process, Reduce, and Report on Data
Action 3: Process your data into a test PDB
Step c: Tailor this step for your collector

//*                                                                 *
//* This is an example job to be used for processing and reducing   *
//* data from Boole and Babbage's IMS Measurement Facility (IMF)    *
//* product.                                                        *
//*                                                                 *
//*                                                                 *
//*  NOTE:  This job requires that the PDB already exist.  If you   *
//*         need to allocate a PDB first, see member CMPDBALC       *
//*         in this CPMISC pds.                                     *
//*                                                                 *
//* This job requires the following customization:                  *
//*                                                                 *
//*  1) Change the JOB card to a valid job card for your system.    *
//*                                                                 *
//*  2) Do a global change of UNIT=SYSDA to a valid UNIT= parameter *
//*     for your system.                                            *
//*                                                                 *
//*  3) Do a global change of YOUR.IMS.LOG to the dataset           *
//*     name of your IMS log data.                                  *
//*                                                                 *
//*  4) Do a global change of MXG.USERID.SOURCLIB to the name       *
//*     of your customized MXG source library.                      *
//*                                                                 *
//*  5) Do a global change of MXG.MXG.SOURCLIB to the name of the   *
//*     PDS containing the original MXG source library.             *
//*                                                                 *
//*  6) Do a global change of MXG.MXG.FORMATS to the name           *
//*     of your MXG format library.                                 *
//*                                                                 *
//*  7) Do a global change of YOUR.ITSV to the high-level qualifiers*
//*     for IT Service Vision for MVS on your system. In particular *
//*     make sure this qualifier has been set correctly for the     *
//*     CONFIG parameter in STEP01.                                 *
//*                                                                 *
//*  8) Do a global change of YOUR.IMF.PDB to the high-level        *
//*     qualifier for your PDB:                                     *
//*                                                                 *
//*         Tablenm   Description                                   *
//*         --------------------------------------------------      *
//*         XIMDBDS   IMF - IMS DBD-S USED                          *
//*         XIMDB2    IMF - IMS DB2 ACTIVITY                        *
//*         XIMPROG   IMF - IMS PROGRAM DESCHEDULE                  *
//*         XIMFTRN   IMF - IMS TRANSACTION DETAIL                  *
//*                                                                 *
//STEP01 EXEC SAS,WORK='42000,6300',
//       CONFIG='your.itsv.CPMISC(CMCONFIG)'
//IMSLOG  DD DSN=your.ims.log,DISP=SHR
  * You must execute %CPSTART to run IT Service Version.  This *
  * macro initiates IT Service Vision and allocates the PDB.   *
  * The MXGLIB= parameter is required whenever your PDB        *
  * contains tables processed with MXG.  The MXGSRC= parameter *
  * is required only if you use %CMPROCES with MXG in this     *
  * job step.  The ROOTSERV= and SHARE= parameters should only *
  * be used if SAS/SHARE is being used with IT Service Vision. *
  * If the _RC= parameter is nonzero from %CPSTART,            *
  * check the explanatory message in the SAS log.              *
  *------------------------------------------------------------* ;
 /* verify root= pdb= mxgsrc= mxglib= in the following */
          MXGSRC=('mxg.userid.sourclib' 'mxg.mxg.sourclib'),
 %PUT CPSTART return code is &cpstrc;
 * The %CMPROCES macro processes data into the PDB that was   *
 * established by the %CPSTART macro above.                   *
 * Only tables specified as the second parameter will be      *
 * processed in this example.                                 *
 * If the _RC= parameter is nonzero from %CMPROCES,           *
 * check the explanatory message in the SAS log.              *
 *------------------------------------------------------------* ;
 /* verify the list of tables in the following */
 %PUT CMPROCES return code is &cmprrc;