Multivariate Location, Scale, and Outliers

/*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                 */
/*                                                              */
/*    NAME: ROBUST5                                             */
/*   TITLE: Multivariate Location, Scale, and Outliers          */
/* PRODUCT: IML                                                 */
/*    DATA:                                                     */
/*                                                              */
/* SUPPORT: Rick Wicklin                UPDATE: SEP 2013        */
/*     REF:                                                     */
/*    MISC:                                                     */
/*                                                              */

%include sampsrc(robustmc);   /* define graphing modules */
proc iml;
load module=_all_;            /* load graphing modules */

   /* Obs X1  X2  X3   Y  Stack Loss data */
SL = { 1  80  27  89  42,
       2  80  27  88  37,
       3  75  25  90  37,
       4  62  24  87  28,
       5  62  22  87  18,
       6  62  23  87  18,
       7  62  24  93  19,
       8  62  24  93  20,
       9  58  23  87  15,
      10  58  18  80  14,
      11  58  18  89  14,
      12  58  17  88  13,
      13  58  18  82  11,
      14  58  19  93  12,
      15  50  18  89   8,
      16  50  18  86   7,
      17  50  19  72   8,
      18  50  19  79   8,
      19  50  20  80   9,
      20  56  20  82  15,
      21  70  20  91  15 };
x = SL[, 2:4]; y = SL[, 5];

optn = j(5,1,.);
optn[1] = 1;             /* print basic output */
optn[2] = 1;             /* print covariance matrices */
optn[5]= -1;             /* nrep: use all subsets */

ods select ClassicalMean ClassicalCov RobustMVELoc RobustMVEScatter;
call mve(sc, xmve, dist, optn, x);
ods select all;

create Stackloss from SL[c={"ObsNum" "x1" "x2" "x3" "y"}];
append from SL;
close Stackloss;

proc iml;
load module=_all_;            /* load graphing modules */
use Stackloss;
read all var _num_ into SL;
close Stackloss;
x = SL[, 2:4];

optn = j(5,1,.); optn[5]= -1;
vnam = {"Rate", "Temperature", "AcidConcent"};
titl = "Stack Loss Data: Use All Subsets";
call MVEScatter(x, optn, 0.9, vnam, titl);

proc iml;
load module=_all_;            /* load graphing modules */
use Stackloss;
read all var _num_ into SL;
close Stackloss;
x = SL[,2:4];

optn = j(5,1,.);
optn[1]= 2;              /* print distances */
optn[2]= 1;              /* print covariance matrices */
optn[5]= -1 ;            /* nrep: use all subsets */

call mcd(sc, xmcd, dist, optn, x);

proc iml;
load module=_all_;            /* load graphing modules */
use Stackloss;
read all var _num_ into SL;
close Stackloss;
x = SL[, 2:4];

optn = j(5,1,.); optn[5]= -1;
vnam = {"Rate", "Temperature", "AcidConcent"};
titl = "Stack Loss Data: Use All Subsets";
call MCDScatter(x, optn, 0.9, vnam, titl);