
SAS® AppDev Studio 3.0 Developer's Site

Built-in Web Application Templates and Options

In the Web Application Project Wizard, you select a Web application template which dynamically modifies the rest of the wizard and controls what content is generated for your Web application. You will also choose Web application options, application initial content, and an initial file template using the wizard.

You can also change most Web application options after the project is created, by selecting File [arrow] Web Application Properties.

This document describes the purpose and relation of these choices, and what the result will be for the various selections you can make. The built-in templates and options can be extended so you can provide your own content choices in the wizard, resulting in user-specified content being generated for the Web application. For more information about the example templates, see Web Application Example Templates.

Standard Web Application Templates

The Web application template defines the overall content of the Web application. Exactly one Web application template must be chosen. Once the wizard is finished, template settings become permanent for the project.

What a Web Application Template Controls

The Web application template for the project can specify any combination of the following actions:

Included Web Application Templates:

Blank Web Application A generic Web application framework Adds these options:
  • JSP Standard Tag Library
  • SAS Information Delivery Portal
  • SAS Runtime (default)
  • SAS Tag Library v2
  • SAS Tag Library v3 (default)
SAS Taglib Web Application A generic Web application framework with mandatory SAS taglibs. Adds these options:
  • JSP Standard Tag Library
  • SAS Information Delivery Portal
  • SAS Runtime (required)
  • SAS Tag Library v2
  • SAS Tag Library v3 (required)
Struts Framework Web Application A Struts version 1.1b3 framework Web application.

This version is compatible with the SAS Information Delivery Portal.

See Struts for more information.

Adds these options:
  • JSP Standard Tag Library
  • SAS Information Delivery Portal
  • SAS Runtime (default)
  • SAS Tag Library v2
  • SAS Tag Library v3 (default)
  • Struts Tag Library (default)
Adds these files:
  • struts-config.xml
  • tiles-defs.xml
  • validation.xml
  • validator-rules.xml

Standard Web Application Options

Web application options represent content that may or may not be present. Unlike Web application templates, zero or more options can be selected; however, the governing template may specify that one or more options are required. One option may also require another.

Also unlike Web application templates, some options may be added to the project at a later date, and options that are not required may be removed. However, as shown in the table above, the options available are determined by the Web application template. For example, the Struts tag library option can only be added to a Web application defined with a Struts Web application template.

What a Web Application Option Controls

Each Web option for the project can specify any combination of the following actions:

Included Web Application Options:

JSP Standard Tag Library Jakarta JSTL tag library version 1.0.3 from the Apache Software Foundation. See Note 1 below.

This is an open-source implementation of the JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library specification version 1.2.

See JSTL for more information.

Adds wizard page to choose any combination (EL or RT version) of these:
  • Core ("c" prefix)
  • Format ("fmt" prefix)
  • SQL ("sql" prefix)
  • XML ("x" prefix)
Adds the JAR files to the Web application.
Adds the palette(s) for chosen libraries to webAF.
SAS Information Delivery Portal Infrastructure for SAS portal construction. Adds SAS portal JAR files to the application.
Adds "Portlet" initial content choice to the wizard.
Adds the portlet.xml file.
SAS Runtime Classes Classes for SAS Foundation Services, SAS Query and Reporting Services, and SAS Java Components. See Note 3 below. Adds the JAR files to the Web application.
SAS Taglib and TBeans (Version 2) SAS tag libraries ("sasads" prefix) and Transformation beans classes, for compatibility with AppDev Studio 2.0 applications. Adds (formerly webAFServerPages.jar) and adds servlet mappings to the web.xml file.
Adds the palettes to the Web application.
SAS Taglib and TBeans (Version 3) SAS tag libraries ("sas" prefix) and Transformation beans classes, version 3. Adds sas.servlet.jar and adds servlet mappings to the web.xml file.
Adds the palette to the Web application.
Struts Tag Library Jakarta Struts tag library ("bean", "html", "logic", "nested", "template" and "tiles" prefixes), from the Apache Software Foundation. See Notes 1 and 2 below.

See Struts for more information.

Adds the JAR files.
Adds the palettes to the Web application.
Notes for table:
  1. For Version 3.0 of webAF, the palettes for the JSTL and Struts tag libraries show question mark icons for all tags, because the current implementation does not yet include icons. To discern tags, hover the mouse over the icon to display the tool tip.
  2. The Struts tag library option is available only for the Struts Framework Web application template.
  3. The SAS Runtime Classes are required if either Version 2 or 3 of the SAS Taglib and TBeans is selected.