
System Requirements
SASĀ® Fraud Management 4.2


The following topics list the operating system and system software requirements for SAS Fraud Management 4.2:

Host Operating Systems

  • IBM AIX 7
  • IBM z/OS version 1.11 or later
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server v6
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise System 11 SP1

SAS Fraud Management components for UNIX server-tier and middle-tier machines must be installed on the same platforms, AIX or Linux for x64. For example, all server-tier machines are AIX and all middle-tier machines are AIX, or all server-tier machines are Linux for x64 and all middle-tier machines are Linux for x64.

SAS Fraud Management may include just the SAS Fraud Management Scoring Engine for z/OS Server, just the SAS Fraud Management Scoring Engine Server, or both. SAS Fraud Management may also include the SAS Fraud Management Alert Generation Server and SAS Fraud Management Rules Server.

The SAS Fraud Management Alert Generation Server and SAS Fraud Management Rules Server may be ordered and installed after the SAS Fraud Management Scoring Engine for z/OS z/64 Server and/or the SAS Fraud Management Scoring Engine Server. The SAS Fraud Management Alert Generation Server and SAS Fraud Management Rules Server require a SAS Metadata Server at installation time. In addition, you must install the SAS Fraud Management Scoring Engine for z/OS z/64 Server and/or the SAS Fraud Management Scoring Engine.

Server Tier Requirements

SAS Fraud Management Server Scoring Engine for z/OS z/64 Server on z/OS 64-bit

SAS Products installed to this machine:
  • Base SAS 9.4
  • SAS Fraud Management Scoring Engine for zOS 4.2
  • SAS Fraud Management Transaction Extensions 4.2
Disk Space Consumed by Installed Products: 2393 cylinders (Drive Model 3390)
Supported Environments:
  • z/OS V1R12 (64-bit version) on the z/Architecture chip family
  • z/OS V1R13 (64-bit version) on the z/Architecture chip family
  • z/OS V2R1 (64-bit version) on the z/Architecture chip family

In addition, SAS Fraud Management Server Scoring Engine for z/OS requires the following software:

  • CICS Transaction Server v3.2 or later
  • IBM WebSphere MQ Series 7.5
  • Java 6 (64 bit)

Note: There are no SAS/ACCESS engines for z/OS z/64. Therefore, SAS Fraud Management Scoring Engine for z/OS z/64 no longer includes a SAS/ACCESS engine.

Note: The SAS Fraud Management Scoring Engine for z/OS z/64 Server does not require a SAS Metadata Server at installation time and may be installed without the SAS Fraud Management Scoring Engine Server, SAS Fraud Management Alert Generation Server and SAS Fraud Management Rules Server.

SAS Fraud Management Scoring Engine Server

Please select a target environment:

SAS Fraud Management Scoring Engine Server includes either of these SAS/ACESSS Engines of choice:

  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2
  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle

Note: The SAS/ACCESS Engine of choice must be the same on all of the UNIX servers.

Note: The SAS Fraud Management Scoring Engine Server requires a SAS Metadata Server during installation. The SAS Fraud Management Scoring Engine Server may be installed without the SAS Fraud Management Alert Generation Server and SAS Fraud Management Rules Server.

SAS Fraud Management Alert Generation Server

Please select a target environment:

SAS Fraud Management Alert Generation Server includes either of the following SAS/ACESSS Engines of choice:

  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2
  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle

Note:The SAS/ACCESS Engine of choice must be the same on all of the UNIX servers.

SAS Fraud Management Rules Server

Please select a target environment:

SAS Fraud Management Rules Server includes either of the following SAS/ACESSS Engines of choice:

  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2
  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle

Note:The SAS/ACCESS Engine of choice must be the same on all of the UNIX servers.

SAS Metadata Server

Please select a target environment:

SAS recommends that you deploy SAS Metadata Server on a 64-bit host system. The SAS Metadata Server is multi-threaded and multi-core server hardware (typically quad core or higher is recommended). A dedicated machine for the SAS Metadata Server is recommended to simplify tuning, management, and diagnostics, but is not required. The disk I/O performance of any server-class system should be sufficient. Memory requirements are highly dependent on the product mix and usage, but 8GB of RAM is sufficient for most large deployments. For many deployments, 4GB of RAM is sufficient and should be considered a minimum, unless the specific deployment is tested and verified to require less memory.

You can deploy SAS Metadata Server on the same machine as the main server, or on a separate machine.

Middle Tier Requirements

SAS Fraud Management Mid-Tier

Please select a target environment:

SAS Integration Technologies Mid-Tier

Please select a target environment:

Web Application Server

SAS Fraud Management 4.2 supports IBM WebSphere MQ Series on AIX 7.


The following are the database system requirements for SAS Fraud Management 4.2:

  • DB2 for z/OS v10
  • DB2 UDB v10 (Mid-tier)
  • Oracle 11g (

Mid-Tier Storage Requirements

  • System of Record (SOR) – dependent upon the number of days retained, determined per customer installation
  • Reporting History (RH) – dependent upon the number of months retained, determined per customer installation
  • MQ queues – dependent upon queue depth, determined per customer installation

Mid-Tier Server Hardware Requirements

  • AGS/ETL/BI/Metadata: POWER6 server* and Intel
  • RH: POWER6 server* and Intel
  • SAS Application Server: POWER6/POWER7 server* and Intel
  • SOR: POWER6 server* and Intel

* The number and speed of processors, internal storage in addition to the number of physical servers per installation for redundancy is determined per installation and customer requirements.

Client Tier Requirements

SAS BI Clients

Please select a target environment:

Note: SAS Management Console and SAS BI Lineage Plug-in for SAS Management Console can also run on AIX, HP PA-RISC, HP IPF, Linux 32-bit, Linux for x64, Solaris SPARC, and Solaris  for x64.

Web Browser

SAS Fraud Management 4.2 supports Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 and 10.

Hardware Requirements

SAS Fraud Management 4.2 supports Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 and 10.

Hybrid Solution

The z-Architecture mainframe is required for the mainframe option. A customer who chooses this option should expect to allocate about 2 GB of disk space to install and verify the operation of the mainframe Universal SAS Connector (USC) component.

Requirements regarding mainframe disk space, CPU, and real and virtual storage utilization will depend completely on the size of the customer’s workload. SAS works with prospective customers to define the expected customer workload and corresponding hardware resources needed. This process is a standard part of any SAS Fraud Management project.

All-UNIX Solution

The All-UNIX/Linux option is for AIX running on p-series (IBM) hardware or Red Hat Enterprise Linux. This version is available in SAS Fraud Management 3.2 and later versions. A customer who chooses this option would expect to allocate several (physical) p-series servers or reduce this footprint by implementing a larger multi-core server or servers with logical partitions and shared memory. 

The requirements regarding the disk space, CPUs, as well as real and virtual storage utilization will depend completely on the size of the customer’s workload. SAS works with prospective customers to define the expected customer workload and corresponding hardware resources needed. This process is a standard part of any SAS Fraud Management project.

Virtual Server Support

The All-UNIX/Linux and hybrid solutions support the use of Virtual Server technologies specifically tested and support VMware and KVM software. 

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