SAS Grid Manager

Post-Configuration Steps for SAS Grid Manager

When These Post-Configuration Steps Are Required

In the second maintenance release for SAS 9.2, the SAS Grid Manager Client Utility was added. If you are going to use this utility, some post-configuration steps might be required. Use the following table to determine what (if any) post-configuration steps you need to complete. To determine the product release number for SAS Grid Manager, see the deployment registry report that you generated before you applied the third maintenance release. For more information, see About the Deployment Summary.
When Post-Configuration Steps Are Required
Update Scenario
Are Post-Configuration Steps Required?
You are installing SAS Grid Manager for the first time.
The SAS Grid Manager Client Utility is in the plan file, so the SAS Grid Manager Client Utility is automatically installed and configured using the SAS Deployment Wizard.
You are not installing the SAS Grid Manager Client Utility.
You are installing the SAS Grid Manager Client Utility to an existing SAS 9.2 deployment, and the product release number for SAS Grid Manager is 9.2 or 9.21.
The 9.2 product release number indicates that you have not applied the second maintenance release for SAS 9.2. Maintenance releases are cumulative. Therefore, when you apply the third maintenance release, you will also receive the changes that were part of the second maintenance release for SAS 9.2.
For the post-configuration steps, see Install the SAS Grid Manager Client Utility.

Install the SAS Grid Manager Client Utility

If you installed your grid using SAS 9.2 before the third maintenance release and you want to install the SAS Grid Manager Client Utility, you must complete these steps:
  1. Verify that the third maintenance release for SAS 9.2 has been installed on all machines in the grid. The installation process updates grid configuration files to be able to work with the SAS Grid Manager Client Utility.
  2. Install the SAS Grid Manager Client Utility. Follow the instructions in "Configure New SAS Products" in the SAS Intelligence Platform: Installation and Configuration Guide. You must obtain a new plan file and include SAS Grid Manager Client Utility 9.2 in the file. Foundation SAS or any other SAS software is not required to be included in this plan file. The machine on which you are installing the utility must have Platform LSF installed on it.
  3. If the machine on which you installed the SAS Grid Manager Client Utility uses a different platform from the machines on the grid, you must modify the server definition for the Logical Grid Server.
    1. Use the Server Manager in SAS Management Console to open the server definition for the Logical Grid Server under the SAS Application Server. Using the context menu, open the Properties window for the server definition that is under the Logical Grid Server definition.
    2. In the Properties dialog box, click the Options tab.
    3. In the Additional Options field, type reqres="type==any".
    4. Close the Properties window.
For more information about the SAS Grid Manager Client Utility, see Grid Computing in SAS.