What’s New in SAS Workflow Studio 1.3


The changes and enhancements for SAS Workflow Studio 1.3 include the following:
  • additional authorization support for run-time access control and template management
  • improved validation when creating and activating workflow templates
  • a new template version comparison dialog box
  • enhanced policy support for SOAP and REST web services
  • new policy support for the SAS Job Execution Service
  • Date data object and negative offset support for timer events
  • support for a new TODAY function in decision gateways

Authorization Support

For managing access to content, SAS Workflow Studio now supports SAS Web Intrastructure Platform privileges and roles and web-layer permissions. Run-time access control is no longer dependent on SAS metadata and has been updated to support more granular privileges. In addition, SAS Workflow Studio now supports configurable authorization for workflow template management. See Workflow Roles and Privileges, and Template Permissions and Configuring Participants for more information.

Improved Workflow Template Validation

SAS Workflow Studio now supports the following template validation logic:
  • verify mandatory policy properties
  • prevent deletion of reference data objects
  • filter data objects by type in selector and drop-down dialog boxes
  • verify connections for start nodes and gateways
  • verify participant existence on server

Workflow Template Version Comparison

A new template comparison dialog box that displays the workflow tree hierarchy for two versions of a template side-by-side has been added. This new dialog box enables you to easily evaluate the differences between the two versions of the template. See Comparing Workflow Template Versions.

Web Service Policy Enhancements

The Invoke Web Service policy now has two new properties, Error Code and Error Message, to support business logic based on potential error conditions. Also, a new policy action, Invoke REST Web Service, has been added to support REST web services. See Invoke Web Service and for more information.Invoke REST Web Service

Job Execution Service Policy Support

A new policy action, Submit A JES Job, has been added. This action enables you to execute code that has been registered with the SAS Job Execution Service and resides on the server. See Submit a JES Job.

Timer Enhancements

Timer events in SAS Workflow Studio now support Date data objects, which allows the dynamic use of datetime values at run time. Date data objects can be used with or without relative time offset expressions. Also, with Date data objects, you can now enter negative relative offsets, which triggers actions prior to the date specified by the data object. See Using Timers.

New TODAY Function

Support for a new TODAY function has been added to decision gateway expressions. This function retrieves the current datetime system value, which enables you to specify a specific date offset from the current date. See Function Support in Decision Expressions.
Last updated: March 5, 2020