Function Support in Decision Expressions

Decision gateway expressions also support some general functions that can be used with data objects. The functions support only data objects. They do not support literal constants. The function is applied to the data object value before the evaluation or comparison occurs.
Supported Expression Functions
Converts the data object value to uppercase.
Returns the time part of the data object value. The TIMEPART function resolves to milliseconds, so it is recommended that you use a comparison operator other than equals (==) with this function.
Note: This function is supported only by Date data objects.
Returns the date part of the data object value.
Note: This function is supported only by Date data objects.
Returns the current system datetime value.
Note: You can use this function to compare values with the results of the other functions described in this table. Doing so enables you to isolate specific numeric date or time values in a Date data object. This enables arithmetic evaluation of the specific numeric values.
Last updated: March 5, 2020