Send Notification Using SAS Template Service Policy Example

The following policies support notifications and e-mail:
Notify Participant
is used to send notifications via the SAS Alert Notification Service to participants as defined by their preferences. The notification can be configured implicitly when a task starts or finishes by selecting a check box for the task. Alternatively, it can be defined explicitly as a policy for any other supported workflow events.
Note: The format for this notification type cannot be customized.
Send E-mail
is used to send e-mail notifications via the SAS Mail Service using the information provided in the policy definition.
Note: The format for this notification type cannot be customized.
Note: This policy was formerly named Send Notification.
Send Workflow Group Notification
is used to send a workgroup event notification, which triggers the SAS Alert Notification service to generate end-user notification messages. This policy is used to send notifications to a group or set of recipients and where all recipients are required to be addressed in the same message. This capability is useful in collaboration scenarios or where the event should be copied to all interested parties. E-mail is the only delivery channel supported using the group notification policy.
Note: The format for this notification type can be customized using the SAS Template Service.
Note: Five expiry options are available: None, Remove, Reroute, Resend, and Start Workflow. For more information, see Send Workflow Group Notification.
Send Workflow Notification
is used to send a directed workgroup notification via the SAS Alert Notification service. This type of notification can be sent to users via e-mail, SMS message or displayed in a portlet.
Note: The format for this notification type can be customized using the SAS Template Service.
Note: Five expiry options are available: None, Remove, Reroute, Resend, and Start Workflow. For more information, see Send Workflow Notification.
The Approval Escalation Workflow example demonstrates two types of timer policy usage as well as sending a notification using the SAS Template Service. The Timer Expired Event policy triggers a periodic notification to the group assigned to the Review Order task with the Send Workflow Notification action. The notification-related policy properties are as follows:
Policy Property
Group Recipient(s)
${../Account Manager}
Notification Variables
../MSG, ../DESC
HTTP Parameters
There are no individual recipients for this notification, but the Account Manager group is assigned indirectly via data object substitution. For more information, see Data Object Substitution.
The default value for this data object is US Region Accountants, so any users assigned to this group in the SAS Authorization Service receive an alert each time period as defined in the previous table. The SAS_Email_Message template is used, which is also the default if no template is specified.

SAS_Email_Message Template

The issue priority is: $ISSUEPRI$
This is a system-generated message. Do not reply to this email.
This template contains three variables: DESC, TO and MSG. This policy example designates values for DESC and MSG by listing them as Notification Variables, which associates the values for the data objects within the example with the template. Here is the resulting e-mail message:
e-mail message generated from SAS_Email_Message template
See the examples provided with SAS Workflow Studio for details of this example.
Last updated: March 5, 2020