Assigning Data to Roles

To run the Control Charts task, you must select an input data source and assign a column to the Process variable and Subgroup variable roles. To filter the input data source, click Filter Icon.
Option Name
Process variable
specifies the variable for the process that you want to test.
Subgroup variable
specifies the variable that identifies the subgroups in the data. The values of this variable indicate how the observations in the input data set are arranged into rational subgroups.
Here are some examples of the subgroup values:
  • indices that give the order in which the subgroup samples were collected
  • the dates or times at which the subgroup samples were collected
  • the labels that uniquely identify the subgroup samples
Chart type
specifies the type of control chart to create. For more information about the different chart types, see About the Control Charts Task.
Additional Roles
Group analysis by
enables you to obtain separate analyses of observations for each unique group.