You can use parameters
in calculations, display rules, filters, and ranks. You can create,
modify, and manage parameters using the Data tab
in the left pane.
The following controls
in the designer support parameters:
The list control accepts multiple-value parameters only when multiple-selection is
The button bar control accepts any single-value parameter.
The text
input field control supports
character or numeric parameters. It does not support date or datetime parameters.
slider (single-point only) accepts numeric, date, and datetime parameters. It does not accept
month or date and
time format parameters.
Parameters can be used
with the following features in the designer:
calculated items and aggregated measures allow parameters. Parameters are supported
wherever it makes sense to have a numeric, character, date, or
datetime value. Multiple-value parameters can be used with only the In and NotIn operators.
display rules
numeric parameters
can be specified as the value of an expression rule.
Note: Display rules cannot use
character, date, datetime, or multiple-value parameters.
filters (detail filters, aggregated filters, and
data source filters)
a numeric, character, date, or datetime value parameter is supported wherever it makes
sense to have a numeric, character, date, or datetime
value. Multiple-value parameters can be used with only the In and NotIn operators.
data source filter is a special case. Ordinarily, a data source filter applies to all of the report
objects on the canvas. However, if the data source
filter contains a parameter, then the filter is not applied to the control that has
that parameter assigned to
Note: Ranks cannot use character,
date, datetime, or multiple-value parameters.
parameters in a report
URL can be modified.
For example, suppose
that you have the following URL for a report: http://host/SASVisualAnalyticsDesigner/?reportPath=%2FUser%20Folders%2Fsasdemo%2
The first parameter is called Origin Parameter
, which enables
you to specify a different country name. The second parameter is called Cost
of gas
, which enables you to specify different costs
to see how different gas prices change the report.
Note: A parameter cannot be used
to pass credentials. However, credentials can be used as the value
of a parameter.
Note: You cannot provide a value
for a multiple-value parameter using a URL parameter.