Example: Using a Numeric Parameter in a Report

You can use a numeric parameter with a drop-down list control, list control, or button bar control. This example explains how to create a numeric parameter and use it with a button bar control in a report.
Suppose that you have a report for the sales of cars at a dealership. You have a data source that has a column named Cylinders. When your SAS Visual Analytics administrator loaded the data source, the Cylinders data item was defined as a measure. You want to add a button bar control to the report that shows the values for Cylinders, and has a parameter with the Cylinders values assigned to it.
Follow these steps to use a numeric parameter in your report:
  1. Drag a button bar control from the Objects tab, and drop it onto the canvas.
  2. Convert the Cylinders data item by right-clicking on it in the Data tab, and then selecting Category.
  3. Create a numeric parameter by following these steps:
    1. Right-click the Cylinders data item in the Data tab, and then select Create Parameter from Data Item. The Create Parameter window is displayed.
    2. (Optional) Modify the Name of the parameter.
    3. Select Numeric for the Type for the parameter.
    4. Specify the Minimum value, Maximum value, and Current value for the numeric parameter.
      Here is an example of the Create Parameter window:
      The Create Parameter Window for a Numeric Parameter
    5. Click OK. The new numeric parameter is added to the Data tab, under the Parameter heading.
  4. Drag the Cylinders data item, and drop it onto the button bar control.
  5. Drag the Cylinders parameter, and drop it onto the button bar control. The button bar is populated with the values for the numeric parameter.
Last updated: January 8, 2019