Overview of Parameters

A parameter is a variable whose value can be changed and that can be referenced by other report objects. The SAS Visual Analytics Designer (the designer) supports parameters for controls in reports. If a control has an associated parameter, then when the value of the control changes, the parameter is assigned that changed value. When the value of the parameter changes, any report objects that reference the parameter detect the change accordingly.
Starting in the 7.4 release, you can create parameters for date and datetime data items. You can also create parameters that store multiple values.
Here are some key points about parameters:
  • The type of parameter is required to match the type of data that is assigned to the control.
  • If you duplicate a control with a parameter, the parameter is not copied from the original control.
  • You cannot delete a parameter that is being used by a calculation, rank, filter, display rule, or text object.
Whenever a parameter value is updated, then all display rules, ranks, calculations, and filters that use that parameter are updated. Any report object in the report that uses the display rule, rank, calculation, or filter is updated accordingly. For an example of how parameters can be used in a complex report, see Example: Using Parameters in a Report.
Last updated: January 8, 2019