Data Smoothing: Polynomial Regression

The Plots Tab

You can use the Plots tab (Figure 20.4) to create plots that graphically display results of the analysis. The raw residuals are computed as y -   \hat{y}, where \hat{y} indicates the variable containing the predicted values of the response.

Creating a plot often adds one or more variables to the data table. The following plots are available:

Observed vs. Explanatory with smoother
creates a scatter plot of the X and Y variables, overlaid with the polynomial smoother.
Confidence limits for means
specifies whether to add 95% upper and lower confidence limits to the Observed vs. Explanatory plot.
Prediction limits for individuals
specifies whether to add 95% upper and lower individual prediction limits to the Observed vs. Explanatory plot.
Observed vs. Predicted
creates a scatter plot of the Y variable versus the predicted values.
Raw residuals vs. Predicted
creates a scatter plot of the residuals versus the predicted values.
Raw residuals vs. Explanatory
creates a scatter plot of the residuals versus the X variable.
Residual normal QQ
creates a normal Q-Q plot of the residuals.

Note: Stat Studio adds a smoother to an existing scatter plot when both of the following conditions are satisfied:

Chapter 18, "Data Smoothing: Loess," discusses how to display multiple smoothers in a single scatter plot, and how to remove smoothers from a scatter plot.

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