General Plot Properties

The Plot Area Tab

You can use the Plot Area tab (Figure 9.18) to set attributes of the plot area.

ugpropsplotareaplotarea.png (6336 bytes)

Figure 9.18: The Plot Area Tab

specifies the distance between the left edge of the plot area and the minimum value of the visible axis range for the X axis. The distance is specified as a fraction of the plot area's width. The value must be in the range 0 to 0.8.
specifies the distance between the right edge of the plot area and the maximum value of the visible axis range for the X axis. The distance is specified as a fraction of the plot area's width. The value must be in the range 0 to 0.8.
specifies the distance between the top edge of the plot area and the maximum value of the visible axis range for the Y axis. The distance is specified as a fraction of the plot area's height. The value must be in the range 0 to 0.8.
specifies the distance between the bottom edge of the plot area and the minimum value of the visible axis range for the Y axis. The distance is specified as a fraction of the plot area's height. The value must be in the range 0 to 0.8.
specifies the background color of the plot area.
Show plot frame
specifies whether the plot area's frame is displayed.

Note: Because the plot area has margins, the edges of the plot area do not correspond to the minimum and maximum values of the axis. Let x_l and x_r be the minimum and maximum values of the horizontal axis. Let m_l and m_r be the left and right margin fractions.

Define s = (x_r-x_l)/(1-m_l-m_r). Then the left edge of the plot area is located at x_l - s m_l, and the right edge of the plot area is located at x_r + s m_r.

For example, if x_l=0, x_r=1, m_l=1/20, and m_r=1/10, then s = 20/17. The left edge of the plot area is located at -1/17 \approx -0.0588, while the right edge is located at 19/17 \approx 1.118.

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