Model Fitting: Robust Regression

The Method Tab

You can use the Method tab to specify options for one of four robust regression algorithms.

The Method tab is shown in Figure 22.3. Each of the following options corresponds to an option in the ROBUSTREG procedure.

specifies the algorithm used for the robust regression. The choices are M, LTS, S, and MM. This corresponds to the METHOD= option in the PROC ROBUSTREG statement.
Outlier multiplier
specifies the multiplier of the robust estimate of scale to use for outlier detection. This corresponds to the CUTOFF= option in the MODEL statement.

Leverage alpha
specifies a cutoff value for leverage-point detection. This corresponds to the CUTOFFALPHA= suboption of the LEVERAGE option in the MODEL statement.

The various methods each have options associated with them. When you select a method, the relevant options become active.

Options with Method=M

With METHOD=M, you can specify the following additional suboptions:
Estimation of scale
specifies a method for estimating the scale parameter. This corresponds to the SCALE= option.
Weight function
specifies the weight function used for the M estimate. This corresponds to the WF= option.

Options with Method=LTS

With METHOD=LTS, you can specify the following additional suboptions:
Intercept adjustment
specifies the intercept adjustment method in the LTS algorithm. Choosing "Default" corresponds to omitting the IADJUST= option. The other choices correspond to IADJUST=ALL or IADJUST=NONE.

Options with Method=S

With METHOD=S, you can specify the following additional suboptions:
Chi function
specifies the choice of the \chi function for the S estimator. This corresponds to the CHIF= option.
Refine S estimate
specifies whether to refine for the S estimate. This corresponds to the NOREFINE option.

Options with Method=MM

With METHOD=MM, you can specify the following additional suboptions:
Initial estimator
specifies the initial estimator for the MM estimator. This corresponds to the INITEST= option.
Chi function
specifies the choice of the \chi function for the MM estimator. This corresponds to the CHIF= option.
Compute bias test
specifies whether to display the bias test for the final MM estimate. This corresponds to the BIASTEST option.

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