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Configuring the Stat Studio Interface

Example: Changing the Personal Files Directory

If you want to change the location of your personal files directory, follow the steps in this section.

Select Tools \blacktriangleright\,Options from the main menu, and click the Directories tab.

The Directories tab is shown in Figure 34.11.

Click Change next to the Personal Files Directory field.

The Browse for Folder dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 34.12.

Select the directory you want to become your new personal files directory, and click OK.

A message box appears, as shown in Figure 34.16. You are asked whether you want to create the standard subdirectories in this new personal files directory.

ugconfigoptmsgbox.png (7140 bytes)

Figure 34.16: A Message Box

Usually, you will want to respond to this prompt by clicking Yes.

Click OK to close the Options dialog box.

Note: When you change the location of the personal files directory, Stat Studio does not move files from the previous personal files directory location. You must move the files yourself.

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