The SPP Procedure

Output Data Sets

The SPP procedure produces output data sets that are specified in the OUT= suboption of the KERNEL option in the PROCESS statement, and in the OUTINTESITY= and OUTSIM= options in the MODEL statement. These data sets are described in the following sections.

OUT= Suboption in the KERNEL Option in the PROCESS Statement

specifies the name of an output data set to store the kernel-based nonparametric estimates. This data set contains the following variables:

  • KERNEL, the kernel type that is used for the corresponding intensity estimate

  • BANDW, the kernel bandwidth that is used for the corresponding intensity estimate

  • VARNAME, the label of the event variable

  • GXC, the x coordinate of the grid point at which the intensity estimate is made

  • GYC, the y coordinate of the grid point at which the intensity estimate is made

  • ESTIMATE, the intensity estimate

OUTSIM= Option in the PROCESS Statement

specifies the name of an output data set to store the simulations of distance functions that are included as options in the PROCESS statement. This data set contains the following variables:

  • GXC, X coordinate of current simulated event location

  • GYC, Y coordinate of current simulated event location

  • ITER, current iteration

  • IXY, simulated event observation number in the current iteration

  • MARK, label of current mark

  • MTYPE, categorical mark level

  • MVALUE, numeric mark simulated value

  • NITER, number of iterations in simulation

  • NXY, number of simulated events in current iteration

  • VARNAME, label of the event the results refer to

OUTINTENSITY= Option in the MODEL Statement

specifies the name of an output data set to store the output intensity estimate. This data set contains the following variables:

  • ESTIMATE, fitted intensity at current location

  • GXC, X coordinate of current output grid location

  • GYC, Y coordinate of current output grid location

  • STDERR, standard error for the intensity estimate

  • VARNAME, event label from the DATA= data sets that are associated with events and identified during the procedure call

OUTSIM= Option in the MODEL Statement

specifies the name of an output data set to store a simulated point pattern from a fitted intensity model. This data set contains the following variables:

  • ESTIMATE, fitted intensity estimate at the simulated event location

  • GXC, X coordinate of current simulated event location

  • GYC, Y coordinate of current simulated event location

  • ITER, current simulation iteration

  • NITER, number of iterations in current simulation

  • NXY, number of simulated events in current iteration

  • VARNAME, event label from the DATA= data set that is associated with events and identified during the procedure call