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The CALIS Procedure |
ODS Table Names |
PROC CALIS assigns a name to each table it creates. You can use these names to reference the table when using the Output Delivery System (ODS) to select tables and create output data sets. For more information about ODS, see Chapter 20, Using the Output Delivery System.
There are numerous ODS tables in the CALIS procedure. The conditions for these ODS tables to display vary a lot. For convenience in presentation, the ODS tables for the PROC CALIS procedure are organized in the following categories:
ODS tables for descriptive statistics and residual analysis
ODS tables for model specification and results
ODS tables for supplementary model analysis
ODS tables for modification indices
ODS tables for optimization control and results
Many ODS tables are displayed when you set either a specialized option in a certain statement or a global display option in the PROC CALIS statement. Rather than requesting displays by setting specialized options separately, you can request a group of displays by using a global display option.
There are five global display levels, represented by five options: PALL (highest), PRINT, default, PSHORT, and PSUMMARY. The higher the level, the more output requested. The default printing level is in effect when you do not specify any other global printing options in the PROC CALIS statement. See the section Global Display Options for details.
In the following description of ODS tables whenever applicable, the lowest level of global printing options for an ODS table to print is listed. It is understood that global printing options at higher levels can also be used. For example, if PSHORT is the global display option to print an ODS table, you can also use PALL, PRINT, or default.
These ODS tables are group-oriented, meaning that each group has its own set of tables in the output. To display these tables in your output, you can set a specialized option in either the PROC CALIS or GROUP statement. If the specialized option is set in the PROC CALIS statement, it will apply to all groups. If the option is set in the GROUP statement, it will apply to the associated group only. Alternatively, you can set a global printing option in the PROC CALIS statement to print these tables. Either a specialized or a global printing option is sufficient to print the tables.
ODS Table Name |
Description |
Specialized Option |
Global Display Option |
ContKurtosis |
Contributions to kurtosis from observations |
InCorr |
Input correlation matrix |
InCorrDet |
Determinant of the input correlation matrix |
InCov |
Input covariance matrix |
InCovDet |
Determinant of the input covariance matrix |
InMean |
Input mean vector |
Kurtosis |
Kurtosis, with raw data input |
PredCorr |
Predicted correlation matrix |
PredCorrDet |
Determinant of the predicted correlation matrix |
PredCov |
Predicted covariance matrix |
PredCovDet |
Determinant of the predicted covariance matrix |
PredMean |
Predicted mean vector |
SimpleStatistics |
Simple statistics, with raw data input |
default |
Weights |
Weight matrix |
WeightsDet |
Determinant of the weight matrix |
ODS Table Name |
Description |
Specialized Option |
Global Display Option |
AsymStdRes |
Asymptotically standardized residual matrix |
AveAsymStdRes |
Average of absolute asymptotically standardized residual values |
AveNormRes |
Average of absolute normalized residual values |
AveRawRes |
Average of absolute raw residual values |
AveVarStdRes |
Average of absolute variance standardized residual values |
DistAsymStdRes |
Distribution of asymptotically standardized residuals |
DistNormRes |
Distribution of normalized residuals |
DistRawRes |
Distribution of raw residuals |
DistVarStdRes |
Distribution of variance standardized residuals |
NormRes |
Normalized residual matrix |
RawRes |
Raw residual matrix |
RankAsymStdRes |
Rank order of asymptotically standardized residuals |
RankNormRes |
Rank order of normalized residuals |
RankRawRes |
Rank order of raw residuals |
RankVarStdRes |
Rank order of variance standardized residuals |
VarStdRes |
Variance standardized residual matrix |
1. In effect, the RESIDUAL= option specifies the RESIDUAL option and the type of residuals requested after the equal sign. For example, if you set RESIDUAL=ASYSTAND, asymptotically standardized residuals are requested, in addition to the printing of the tables enabled by the RESIDUAL option. In some cases, the RESIDUAL= option cannot be honored due to the specific estimation method or data type used. When this occurs, PROC CALIS will determine the appropriate sets of normalized or standardized residuals to display. A warning message with an explanation will be printed.
2. Raw residuals are also printed for correlation analysis even if RESIDUAL or PALL is not specified.
Some ODS tables of this group are model-oriented. Others are not. Model-oriented ODS tables are printed for each model, while others are printed no more than once no matter how many models you have.
The ODS tables that are not model-oriented are listed in the following table:
ODS Table Name |
Description |
Global Display Option |
Additional Specification Required |
AddParms |
Estimates for additional parameters |
PARAMETERS statement |
AddParmsInit |
Initial values for additional parameters |
PARAMETERS statement |
Fit |
Fit summary |
GroupFit |
Fit comparison among groups |
Multiple groups |
ModelingInfo |
General modeling information |
ModelSummary |
Summary of models and their labels and types |
Multiple models |
ParmFunc |
Parametric function testing |
TESTFUNC statement |
Simtests |
Simultaneous tests of parametric functions |
SIMTESTS statement |
1. This table is displayed when you have multiple models that have labels specified by the LABEL= option, or when you define a model with more than a single level of reference by using the REFMODEL option. Otherwise, the ModelingInfo table contains all pertinent information regarding the models in the analysis.
These ODS tables are model-oriented, meaning that each model has its own set of ODS tables in the output. There are three types of model specification and results printing in PROC CALIS: initial specification, (unstandardized) estimated model results, and standardized model results. To distinguish these three types of ODS tables, different suffixes for the ODS table names are used. An "Init" suffix indicates initial specification, while a "Std" suffix indicates standardized solutions. All other tables are for unstandardized solutions.
These ODS tables require some specialized options to print. If you set the specialized option in the PROC CALIS statement, it applies to all models. If you set the specialized option in the MODEL statement, it applies to the associated model only. Alternatively, to print all these ODS tables, you can use the PSHORT or any higher level global printing option in the PROC CALIS statement. Either a specialized or a global printing option is sufficient to print these ODS tables. The following is a summary of the specialized and global printing options for these three types of ODS tables:
Type of ODS Tables |
Table Name Suffix |
Specialized Option |
Global Display Option |
Initial specification |
Init |
Unstandardized solutions |
(none) |
Standardized solutions |
Std |
In the following list of ODS tables, the prefixes of the ODS table names indicate the modeling language required for the ODS tables to print. The last column of the list indicates whether the PRIMAT option is needed to print the corresponding ODS tables in matrix formats. You can use the PRIMAT option either in the PROC CALIS or MODEL statement. If you want matrix output for all models, set this option in the PROC CALIS statement. If you want matrix output for a specific model, set this option in the associated MODEL statement only.
ODS Table Name |
Description |
Additional Option |
COSANVariables |
Variables in the COSAN model |
COSANModel |
Mean and covariance structure formulas |
COSANMatrixSummary |
Summary of COSAN model matrices |
COSANMatrix |
Estimated model matrix |
COSANMatrixInit |
Initial model matrix |
Estimated factor covariances |
Initial factor covariances |
Factor correlations |
Estimated error variances |
FACTORErrVarInit |
Initial error variances |
Standardized results for error variances |
FACTORIntercepts |
Estimated intercepts |
FACTORInterceptsInit |
Initial intercepts |
FACTORLoadings |
Estimated factor loadings |
FACTORLoadingsInit |
Initial factor loadings |
FACTORLoadingsStd |
Standardized factor loadings |
Estimated factor means |
FACTORMeansInit |
Initial factor means |
Estimated rotated factor covariances |
Rotated factor correlations |
Error variances in rotated solution |
FACTORRotErrVarStd |
Standardized results for error variances in rotated solution |
FACTORRotLoadings |
Rotated factor loadings |
FACTORRotLoadingsStd |
Standardized rotated factor loadings |
Rotation matrix |
FACTORScoresRegCoef |
Factor scores regression coefficients |
FACTORVariables |
Variables in the analysis |
Estimated intercept vector |
LINEQSAlphaInit |
Initial intercept vector |
Estimated _EQSBETA_ matrix |
LINEQSBetaInit |
Initial _EQSBETA_ matrix |
Standardized results for _EQSBETA_ matrix |
Estimated covariances among exogenous variables |
LINEQSCovExogInit |
Initial covariances among exogenous variables |
LINEQSCovExogStd |
Standardized results for covariances among exogenous variables |
Estimated equations |
Initial equations |
Standardized equations |
Estimated _EQSGAMMA_ matrix |
LINEQSGammaInit |
Initial _EQSGAMMA_ matrix |
LINEQSGammaStd |
Standardized results for _EQSGAMMA_ matrix |
Estimated means for exogenous variables |
LINEQSMeansInit |
Initial means for exogenous variables |
Estimated mean vector |
Initial mean vector |
Estimated _EQSPHI_ matrix |
Initial _EQSPHI_ matrix |
Standardized results for _EQSPHI_ matrix |
Estimated variances of exogenous variables |
LINEQSVarExogInit |
Initial variances of exogenous variables |
LINEQSVarExogStd |
Standardized results for variances of exogenous variables |
LINEQSVariables |
Exogenous and endogenous variables |
Estimated _ALPHA_ vector |
LISMODAlphaInit |
Initial _ALPHA_ vector |
Estimated _BETA_ matrix |
LISMODBetaInit |
Initial _BETA_ matrix |
Standardized _BETA_ matrix |
Estimated _GAMMA_ matrix |
LISMODGammaInit |
Initial _GAMMA_ matrix |
LISMODGammaStd |
Standardized _GAMMA_ matrix |
Estimated _KAPPA_ vector |
LISMODKappaInit |
Initial _KAPPA_ vector |
Estimated _LAMBDAX_ matrix |
LISMODLambdaXInit |
Initial _LAMBDAX_ matrix |
LISMODLambdaXStd |
Standardized _LAMBDAX_ matrix |
Estimated _LAMBDAY_ matrix |
LISMODLambdaYInit |
Initial _LAMBDAY_ matrix |
LISMODLambdaYStd |
Standardized _LAMBDAY_ matrix |
Estimated _NUX_ vector |
Initial _NUX_ vector |
Estimated _NUY_ vector |
Initial _NUY_ vector |
Estimated _PHI_ matrix |
Initial _PHI_ matrix |
Standardized _PHI_ matrix |
Estimated _PSI_ matrix |
Initial _PSI_ matrix |
Standardized _PSI_ matrix |
Estimated _THETAX_ matrix |
LISMODThetaXInit |
Initial _THETAX_ matrix |
Standardized _THETAX_ matrix |
Estimated _THETAY_ matrix |
LISMODThetaYInit |
Initial _THETAY_ matrix |
Standardized _THETAY_ matrix |
LISMODVariables |
Variables in the model |
Estimated _COV_ matrix |
Initial _COV_ matrix |
Standardized _COV_ matrix |
Estimated _MEAN_ vector |
Initial _MEAN_ vector |
MSTRUCTVariables |
Variables in the model |
PATHCovErrors |
Estimated error covariances |
PATHCovErrorsInit |
Initial error covariances |
PATHCovErrorsStd |
Standardized error covariances |
PATHCovVarErr |
Estimated covariances bewteen exogenous variables and errors |
PATHCovVarErrInit |
Initial covariances bewteen exogenous variables and errors |
PATHCovVarErrStd |
Standardized results for covariances bewteen exogenous variables and errors |
PATHCovVars |
Estimated covariances among exogenous variables |
PATHCovVarsInit |
Initial covariances among exogenous variables |
PATHCovVarsStd |
Standardized results for covariances among exogenous variables |
PATHList |
Estimated path list |
PATHListInit |
Initial path list |
PATHListStd |
Standardized path list |
PATHMeansIntercepts |
Estimated intercepts |
PATHMeansInterceptsInit |
Initial intercepts |
PATHVariables |
Exogenous and endogenous variables |
PATHVarParms |
Estimated variances or error variances |
PATHVarParmsInit |
Initial variances or error variances |
PATHVarParmsStd |
Standardized results for variances or error variances |
Estimated _A_ matrix |
RAMAMatInit |
Initial _A_ matrix |
RAMAMatStd |
Standardized results of _A_ matrix |
RAMList |
List of RAM estimates |
RAMListInit |
List of initial RAM estimates |
RAMListStd |
Standardized results for RAM estimates |
Estimated _P_ matrix |
RAMPMatInit |
Initial _P_ matrix |
RAMPMatStd |
Standardized results of _P_ matrix |
RAMVariables |
Exogenous and endogenous variables |
Estimated mean and intercept vector |
RAMWVecInit |
Initial mean and intercept vector |
These ODS tables are model-oriented. They are printed for each model in your analysis. To display these ODS tables, you can set some specialized options in either the PROC CALIS or MODEL statement. If the specialized options are used in the PROC CALIS statement, they apply to all models. If the specialized options are used in the MODEL statement, they apply to the associated model only. For some of these ODS tables, certain specialized statements for the model might also enable the printing. Alternatively, you can use the global printing options in the PROC CALIS statement to print these ODS tables. Either a specialized option (or statement) or a global printing option is sufficient to print a particular ODS table.
ODS Table Name |
Description |
Specialized Option or Statement |
Global Display Option |
Determination |
Coefficients of determination |
default |
DirectEffects |
Direct effects |
DirectEffectsStd |
Standardized direct effects |
EffectsOf |
Effects of the listed variables |
EffectsOn |
Effects on the listed variables |
IndirectEffects |
Indirect effects |
IndirectEffectsStd |
Standardized indirect effects |
LatentScoresRegCoef |
Latent variable scores regression coefficients |
PredCovLatent |
Predicted covariances among latent variables |
PredCovLatMan |
Predicted covariances between latent and manifest variables |
PredMeanLatent |
Predicted means of latent variables |
SqMultCorr |
Squared multiple correlations |
Stability |
Stability coefficient of reciprocal causation |
default |
StdEffectsOf |
Standardized effects of the listed variables |
StdEffectsOn |
Standardized effects on the listed variables |
TotalEffects |
Total effects |
TotalEffectsStd |
Standardized total effects |
1. This refers to the TOTEFF or EFFPART option in the PROC CALIS or MODEL statement.
2. This refers to the EFFPART statement specifications.
3. NOSTAND option must not be specified in the MODEL or PROC CALIS statement.
4. PDETERM is an option specified in the PROC CALIS or MODEL statement, while DETERM is a statement name.
To print the ODS tables for model modification indices, you can use the MODIFICATION option in either the PROC CALIS or MODEL statement. When this option is set in the PROC CALIS statement, it applies to all models. When this option is set in the MODEL statement, it applies to the associated model only. Alternatively, you can also use the PALL option in the PROC CALIS statement to print these ODS tables.
If the NOMOD option is set in the PROC CALIS statement, these ODS tables are not printed for all models, unless the MODIFICATION is respecified in the individual MODEL statements. If the NOMOD option is set in the MODEL statement, then the ODS tables for modification do not print for the associated model.
For convenience in presentation, three different classes of ODS tables for model modifications are described in the following. First, ODS tables for ranking of LM indices are the default printing when the MODIFICATION option is specified. Second, ODS tables for LM indices in matrix forms require an additional option to print. Last, ODS tables for other modification indices, including the Wald test indices, require specific data-analytic conditions to print. While the first two classes of ODS tables are model-oriented (that is, each model has its own sets of output), the third one is not.
Rankings of the LM statistics in different regions of parameter space are the default printing format when you specify the MODIFICATION option in the PROC CALIS or MODEL statement. You can also turn off these default printing by the NODEFAULT option in the LMTESTS statement for models. If you want to print matrices of LM test statistics rather than the rankings of LM test statistics, you can use the NORANK or MAXRANK=0 option in the LMTESTS statement.
These ODS tables for ranking LM statistics are specific to the types of modeling languages used. This is noted in the last column of the following table.
ODS Table Name |
Description |
Model |
LMRankCosanMatrix |
Any COSAN model matrix |
LMRankCov |
Covariances among variables |
LMRankCovErr |
Covariances among errors |
LMRankCovErrofVar |
Covariances among errors of variables |
LMRankCovExog |
Covariances among existing exogenous variables |
LMRankCovFactors |
Covariance among factors |
LMRankCustomSet |
Customized sets of parameters defined in LMTESTS statements |
any model |
LMRankErrorVar |
Error variances |
LMRankFactMeans |
Factor means |
LMRankIntercepts |
Intercepts |
LMRankLisAlpha |
LMRankLisBeta |
LMRankLisGamma |
LMRankLisKappa |
LMRankLisLambdaX |
LMRankLisLambdaY |
LMRankLisNuX |
LMRankLisNuY |
LMRankLisPhi |
LMRankLisPsi |
LMRankLisThetaX |
LMRankLisThetaY |
LMRankLoadings |
Factor loadings |
LMRankMeans |
Means of existing variables |
LMRankPaths |
All possible paths in the model |
LMRankPathsFromEndo |
Paths from existing endogenous variables |
LMRankPathsFromExog |
Paths from existing exogenous variables |
LMRankPathsNewEndo |
Paths to existing exogenous variables |
LMRankRamA |
_RAMA_ matrix |
LMRankRamAlpha |
_RAMALPHA_ matrix |
LMRankRamNu |
_RAMNU_ matrix |
LMRankRamP11 |
_RAMP11_ matrix |
LMRankRamP22 |
_RAMP22_ matrix |
To print matrices of LM test indices for a model, you must also use the LMMAT option in the LMTESTS statement for the model. Some of these matrices are printed by default, while others are printed only when certain regions of parameter are specified in the LM test sets. In the following tables, the ODS table names for LM test statistics in matrix form are listed for each model type.
ODS Table Name |
Description |
Selected Region in Test Sets |
LMCosanMatrix |
Any COSAN model matrix |
(default) |
ODS Table Name |
Description |
Selected Region in Test Sets |
LMFactErrv |
Vector of error variances |
FACTERRV (default) |
LMFactFcov |
Factor covariance matrix |
FACTFCOV (default) |
LMFactInte |
Intercept vector |
FACTINTE (default) |
LMFactLoad |
Factor loading matrix |
FACTLOAD (default) |
LMFactMean |
Factor mean vector |
FACTMEAN (default) |
ODS Table Name |
Description |
Selected Regions in Test Sets |
LMEqsAlpha |
_EQSALPHA_ vector |
_EQSALPHA_ (default) |
LMEqsBeta |
_EQSBETA_ matrix |
_EQSBETA_ (default) |
LMEqsGammaSub |
_EQSGAMMA_ matrix, excluding entries with error variables in columns |
_EQSGAMMA_ (default) |
LMEqsNewDep |
New rows for expanding _EQSBETA_ and _EQSGAMMA_ matrices |
LMEqsNuSub |
_EQSNU_ vector, excluding fixed zero means for error variables |
_EQSNU_ (default) |
LMEqsPhi |
_EQSPHI_ matrix |
_EQSPHI_ alone or _EQSPHI11_, _EQSPHI21_ and _EQSPHI22_ together |
LMEqsPhi11 |
Upper left portion (exogenous variances and covariances) of the _EQSPHI_ matrix |
_EQSPHI11_ (default) |
LMEqsPhi21 |
Lower left portion (error variances and covariances) of the _EQSPHI_ matrix |
_EQSPHI21_ |
LMEqsPhi22 |
Lower right portion (error variances and covariances) of the _EQSPHI_ matrix |
_EQSPHI22_ (default) |
ODS Table Name |
Description |
Selected Regions in Test Sets |
LMLisAlpha |
LISMOD _ALPHA_ vector |
_ALPHA_ (default) |
LMLisBeta |
LISMOD _BETA_ matrix |
_BETA_ (default) |
LMLisGamma |
LISMOD _GAMMA_ matrix |
_GAMMA_ (default) |
LMLisKappa |
LISMOD _KAPPA_ vector |
_KAPPA_ (default) |
LMLisLambdaX |
_LAMBDAX_ (default) or _LAMBDA_ |
LMLisLambdaY |
_LAMBDAY_ (default) or _LAMBDA_ |
LMLisNuX |
LISMOD _NUX_ vector |
_NUX_ (default) or _NU_ |
LMLisNuY |
LISMOD _NUY_ vector |
_NUY_ (default) or _NU_ |
LMLisPhi |
LISMOD _PHI_ matrix |
_PHI_ (default) |
LMLisPsi |
LISMOD _PSI_ matrix |
_PSI_ (default) |
LMLisThetaX |
LISMOD _THETAX_ matrix |
_THETAX_ (default) or _THETA_ |
LMLisThetaY |
LISMOD _THETAY_ matrix |
_THETAY_ (default) or _THETA_ |
ODS Table Name |
Description |
Selected Regions in Test Sets |
LMMstructCov |
Covariance matrix |
MSTRUCTCOV (default) or _COV_ |
LMMstructMean |
Mean vector |
MSTRUCTMEAN (default) or _MEAN_ |
ODS Table Name |
Description |
Selected Regions in Test Sets |
LMRamA |
_RAMA_ matrix |
ARROWS or _RAMA_ (default) |
LMRamALeft |
Left portion of the _RAMA_ matrix |
_RAMA_LEFT_ alone or _RAMBETA_ and _RAMA_LL_ together |
Lower left portion of the _RAMA_ matrix |
LMRamALower |
Lower portion of the _RAMA_ matrix |
NEWENDO or _RAMA_LOWER_ or _RAMA_LL_ and _RAMA_LR_ together |
Lower right portion of the _RAMA_ matrix |
LMRamARight |
Right portion of the _RAMA_ matrix |
LMRamAUpper |
Upper portion of the _RAMA_ matrix |
_RAMA_UPPER_ alone or _RAMBETA_ and _RAMGAMMA_ together |
LMRamAlpha |
_RAMALPHA_ matrix |
INTERCEPTS (default) |
LMRamBeta |
Upper left portion of the _RAMA_ matrix |
LMRamGamma |
Upper right portion of the _RAMA_ matrix |
LMRamNu |
_RAMNU_ matrix |
MEANS (default) |
LMRamP |
_RAMP_ matrix |
_RAMP_ alone or _RAMP11_, _RAMP21_, and _RAMP22_ together |
LMRamP11 |
Upper left portion of the _RAMP_ matrix |
COVERR (default) |
LMRamP21 |
Lower left portion of the _RAMP_ matrix |
LMRamP22 |
Lower right portion of the _RAMP_ matrix |
COVEXOG (default) |
LMRamW |
_RAMW_ matrix |
ODS Table Name |
Description |
Selected Regions in Test Sets |
LMRamA |
_RAMA_ matrix |
_RAMA_ (default) |
LMRamALeft |
Left portion of the _RAMA_ matrix |
_RAMA_LEFT_ alone or _RAMBETA_ and _RAMA_LL_ together |
Lower left portion of the _RAMA_ matrix |
LMRamALower |
Lower portion of the _RAMA_ matrix |
NEWENDO or _RAMA_LOWER_ or _RAMA_LL_ and _RAMA_LR_ together |
Lower right portion of the _RAMA_ matrix |
LMRamARight |
Right portion of the _RAMA_ matrix |
LMRamAUpper |
Upper portion of the _RAMA_ matrix |
LMRamAlpha |
_RAMALPHA_ matrix |
_RAMALPHA_ (default) |
LMRamBeta |
Upper left portion of the _RAMA_ matrix |
LMRamGamma |
Upper right portion of the _RAMA_ matrix |
LMRamNu |
_RAMNU_ matrix |
_RAMNU_ (default) |
LMRamP |
_RAMP_ matrix |
_RAMP_ alone or _RAMP11_, _RAMP21_, and _RAMP22_ together |
LMRamP11 |
Upper left portion of the _RAMP_ matrix |
_RAMP11_ (default) |
LMRamP21 |
Lower left portion of the _RAMP_ matrix |
_RAMP21_ |
LMRamP22 |
Lower right portion of the _RAMP_ matrix |
_RAMP22_ (default) |
LMRamW |
_RAMW_ matrix |
_RAMW_ |
The following table shows the ODS tables for the remaining modification indices.
ODS Table Name |
Description |
Additional Requirement |
LagrangeBoundary |
LM tests for active boundary constraints |
Presence of active boundary constraints |
LagrangeDepParmEquality |
LM tests for equality constraints in dependent parameters |
Presence of equality constraints in dependent parameters |
LagrangeEquality |
LM tests for equality constraints |
Presence of equality constraints in independent parameters |
WaldTest |
Wald tests for testing existing parameters equaling zeros |
At least one insignificant parameter value |
To display the ODS tables for optimization control and results, you must specify any of the following global display options in the PROC CALIS statement: PRINT, PALL, or default (that is, NOPRINT is not specified). Also, you must not use the NOPRINT option in the NLOPTIONS statement. For some of these tables, you must also specify additional options, either in the PROC CALIS or the NLOPTIONS statement. Some restrictions might apply. Additional options and restrictions are noted in the last column.
ODS Table Name |
Description |
Additional Option Required or Restriction |
CovParm |
Covariances of parameters |
ConvergenceStatus |
Convergence status |
DependParmsResults |
Final dependent parameter estimates |
Restriction |
DependParmsStart |
Initial dependent parameter estimates |
Restriction |
Information |
Information matrix |
InitEstMethods |
Initial estimation methods |
InputOptions |
Optimization options |
IterHist |
Iteration history |
IterStart |
Iteration start |
IterStop |
Iteration stop |
Lagrange |
First and second order Lagrange multipliers |
LinCon |
Linear constraints |
LinConDel |
Deleted constraints |
LinConSol |
Linear constraints evaluated at solution |
LinDep |
Linear dependencies of parameter estimates |
Restriction |
ParameterEstimatesResults |
Final estimates |
ParameterEstimatesStart |
Initial estimates |
ProblemDescription |
Problem description |
ProjGrad |
Projected gradient |
1. PCOVES option is specified in the PROC CALIS statement.
2. PALL option is specified in the NLOPTIONS statement.
3. Estimation method must not be ULS or DWLS.
4. Existence of dependent parameters.
5. Linear equality or boundary constraints are imposed.
6. Existence of parameter dependencies during optimization, but not due to model specification.
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