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The VARIOGRAM Procedure


You can specify the following options in the PROC VARIOGRAM statement.


specifies a SAS data set containing the and coordinate variables and the VAR statement variables.


suppresses the normal display of results. The NOPRINT option is useful when you want only to create one or more output data sets with the procedure. Note that this option temporarily disables the Output Delivery System (ODS); see the section ODS Graphics for more information.


specifies a SAS data set in which to store the autocorrelation weights information for each pair of points in the DATA= data set. This option should be used with caution when the DATA= data set is large. If denotes the number of observations in the DATA= data set, the OUTACWEIGHTS= data set contains observations.

See the section OUTACWEIGHTS=SAS-data-set for details.


specifies a SAS data set in which to store summary distance information. This data set contains a count of all pairs of data points within a given distance interval. The number of distance intervals is controlled by the NHCLASSES= option in the COMPUTE statement. The OUTDISTANCE= data set is useful for plotting modified histograms of the count data for determining appropriate lag distances.

See the section OUTDIST=SAS-data-set for details.


specifies a SAS data set in which to store distance and angle information for each pair of points in the DATA= data set. This option should be used with caution when the DATA= data set is large. If denotes the number of observations in the DATA= data set, the OUTPAIR= data set contains observations unless you restrict it with the OUTPDISTANCE= option in the COMPUTE statement. The OUTPDISTANCE= option in the COMPUTE statement excludes pairs of points when the distance between the pairs exceeds the OUTPDISTANCE= value.

See the section OUTPAIR=SAS-data-set for details.


specifies a SAS data set in which to store the continuity measures.

See the section OUTVAR=SAS-data-set for details.

PLOTS <(global-plot-options)> <= plot-request <(options)>>
PLOTS <(global-plot-options)> <= (plot-request <(options)> <... plot-request <(options)>>)>

controls the plots produced through ODS Graphics. When you specify only one plot request, you can omit the parentheses around the plot request. Here are some examples:

   plots=(observ semivar)
   plots=(semivar(cla unpack) semivar semivar(rob))

You must enable ODS Graphics before requesting plots, for example, like this:

   ods graphics on;
   proc variogram data=thick;
      compute novariogram;
      coordinates xc=East yc=North;
      var Thick;
   ods graphics off;

For general information about ODS Graphics, see Chapter 21, Statistical Graphics Using ODS. If you have enabled ODS Graphics but do not specify the PLOTS= option or have specified PLOTS=ALL, then PROC VARIOGRAM produces a default set of plots, which might be different for different COMPUTE statement options, as discussed in the following.

  • If you specify NOVARIOGRAM in the COMPUTE statement, the VARIOGRAM procedure produces a scatter plot of your observations spatial distribution, as well as the histogram of the pairwise distances of your data. For an example of the observations plot, see Figure 95.2. For an example of the pairwise distances plot, see Figure 95.4.

  • If you do not specify NOVARIOGRAM in the COMPUTE statement, the VARIOGRAM procedure computes the empirical semivariogram for the specified LAGDISTANCE= and MAXLAGS= options. The observations plot appears by default in this case, too. The VARIOGRAM procedure also produces a plot of the classical empirical semivariogram. If you further specify ROBUST in the COMPUTE statement, then the VARIOGRAM procedure instead produces a plot of both the classical and robust empirical semivariograms, in addition to the observations plot. For an example of the empirical semivariograms plot, see Output 95.3.4.

The global-plot-options include the following:


suppresses the default plots. Only plots specifically requested are displayed.


suppresses paneling. By default, multiple plots can appear in some output panels. Specify UNPACKPANEL to get each plot in a separate panel. You can specify PLOTS(UNPACKPANEL) to unpack the default plots. You can also specify UNPACKPANEL as a suboption with the SEMIVAR option.

The following individual plot-requests and plot options are available:


produces all appropriate plots. You can specify other options with ALL. For example, to request all default plots and an additional classical empirical semivariogram, specify PLOTS=(ALL SEMIVAR(CLA)).


specifies that all appropriate plots be produced in a way that the axes coordinates have equal size units.


suppresses all plots.

OBSERVATIONS <(observations-plot-options)>
OBSERV <(observations-plot-options)>
OBS <(observations-plot-options)>

produces the observed data plot. Only one observations plot will be created if you specify the OBSERVATIONS option more than once within a PLOTS option.

The OBSERVATIONS option has the following suboptions:

specifies that observations be displayed as circles colored by the observed measurement.


specifies that observations be displayed as circles with a border but with a completely transparent fill.


is the same as OBSERVATIONS(GRADIENT) except that a border is shown around each observation.


specifies that observations with missing values be displayed in addition to the observations with nonmissing values. By default, missing values locations are not shown on the plot. If you specify multiple instances of the OBSERVATIONS option, and you specify the SHOWMISSING suboption in any of those, then the resulting observations plot will display the observations with missing values.

For the GRADIENT, OUTLINE, and OUTLINEGRADIENT suboptions: The OUTLINEGRADIENT is the default suboption if you do not specify any of those three. If you specify multiple instances of the OBSERVATIONS option or multiple suboptions for OBSERVATIONS, then the resulting observations plot will honor the last specified GRADIENT, OUTLINE, or OUTLINEGRADIENT suboption.

PAIRS <(pairs-plot-options)>

specifies that the pairwise distances histogram be produced. By default, the horizontal axis displays the lag class number. The vertical axis shows the frequency (count) of pairs in the lag classes. Notice that the zero lag class width is half the width of the other classes.

The PAIRS option has the following suboptions:

specifies that the plot created with the PAIRS option display the lag class midpoint value on the horizontal axis, rather than the default lag class number. The midpoint value is the actual distance of a lag class center from the assumed origin point at distance zero (see also the illustration in Figure 95.14).


specifies that the plot created with the PAIRS option be produced without the default inset that provides additional information about the pairs distribution.

THRESHOLD=minimum pairs
THR=minimum pairs

specifies that a reference line appear in the plot created with the PAIRS option to indicate the minimum pairs frequency of data pairs. You can use this line as an exploratory tool when you want to select lag classes that contain at least THRESHOLD point pairs. The option helps you to identify visually any portion of the PAIRS distribution that lies below the specified THRESHOLD value.

Only one pairwise distances histogram will be created if you specify the PAIRS option within a PLOTS option. If you specify multiple instances of the PAIRS option, the resulting plot will have the following features:

  • If the MIDPOINT or NOINSET suboption has been specified in any of the instances, it will be activated in the resulting plot.

  • If you have specified the THRESHOLD= suboption more than once, then the THRESHOLD= value specified last will prevail.

SEMIVARIOGRAM <(semivar-plot-options)>
SEMIVAR <(semivar-plot-options)>
specifies that the empirical semivariogram plot be produced. You can specify the SEMIVAR option multiple times in the same PLOTS option to request instances of plots with the following semivar-plot-options:

specifies a single type of empirical semivariogram (classical or robust) to plot, or specifies that all the available types be included in the same plot. The default is ALL.


specifies that paneled semivariogram plots be displayed separately. By default, plots appear in a panel, when appropriate.

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