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The VARIOGRAM Procedure

Output Data Sets

The VARIOGRAM procedure produces four data sets: the OUTACWEIGHTS=SAS-data-set, the OUTDIST=SAS-data-set, the OUTPAIR=SAS-data-set, and the OUTVAR=SAS-data-set. These data sets are described in the following sections.


The OUTACWEIGHTS= data set contains one observation for each pair of points in the original data set, where is different from , with information about the data distance and autocorrelation weight of each point pair.

Note that the OUTACWEIGHTS= data set can be very large, even for a moderately sized DATA= data set. For example, if the DATA= data set has =500, then the OUTACWEIGHTS= data set has =124,750 observations.

When you perform autocorrelation computations, the OUTACWEIGHTS= data set is a practical way to save the autocorrelation weights for further use.

The OUTACWEIGHTS= data set contains the following variables:

  • ACWGHT12, the autocorrelation weight for the pair

  • ACWGHT21, the autocorrelation weight for the pair

  • DISTANCE, the distance between the data in the pair

  • V1, the variable value for the first point in the pair

  • V2, the variable value for the second point in the pair

  • VARNAME, the variable name for the current VAR= variable

  • X1, the coordinate of the first point in the pair

  • X2, the coordinate of the second point in the pair

  • Y1, the coordinate of the first point in the pair

  • Y2, the coordinate of the second point in the pair

When the autocorrelation weights are symmetric, the pair has the same weight as the pair . For this reason, in the case of symmetric weights the OUTACWEIGHTS= data set contains only the autocorrelation weights ACWGHT12.


The OUTDIST= data set contains counts for a modified histogram showing the distribution of pairwise distances. This data set provides you with information related to the choice of values for the LAGDISTANCE= option in the COMPUTE statement.

To request an OUTDIST= data set, specify the OUTDIST= data set in the PROC VARIOGRAM statement and the NOVARIOGRAM option in the COMPUTE statement. The NOVARIOGRAM option prevents any semivariogram or covariance computation from being performed.

The following variables are written to the OUTDIST= data set:

  • COUNT, the number of pairs falling into this lag class

  • LAG, the lag class value

  • LB, the lower bound of the lag class interval

  • UB, the upper bound of the lag class interval

  • PER, the percent of all pairs falling in this lag class

  • VARNAME, the name of the current VAR= variable


The OUTPAIR= data set contains one observation for each distinct pair of points in the original data set, unless you specify the OUTPDISTANCE= option in the COMPUTE statement.

If you specify OUTPDISTANCE= in the COMPUTE statement, all pairs in the original data set that satisfy the relation are written to the OUTPAIR= data set.

Note that the OUTPAIR= data set can be very large even for a moderately sized DATA= data set.

For example, if the DATA= data set has =500, then the OUTPAIR= data set has =124,750 if no OUTPDISTANCE= restriction is given in the COMPUTE statement.

The OUTPAIR= data set contains information about the distance and orientation of each point pair, and you can use it for specialized continuity measure calculations.

The OUTPAIR= data set contains the following variables:

  • AC, the angle class value

  • COS, the cosine of the angle between pairs

  • DC, the distance (lag) class

  • DISTANCE, the distance between the data in pairs

  • V1, the variable value for the first point in the pair

  • V2, the variable value for the second point in the pair

  • VARNAME, the variable name for the current VAR= variable

  • X1, the coordinate of the first point in the pair

  • X2, the coordinate of the second point in the pair

  • Y1, the coordinate of the first point in the pair

  • Y2, the coordinate of the second point in the pair


The OUTVAR= data set contains the standard and robust versions of the sample semivariance, the covariance, and other information in each lag class.

The OUTVAR= data set contains the following variables:

  • ANGLE, the angle class value (clockwise from N to S)

  • ATOL, the angle tolerance for the lag/angle class

  • AVERAGE, the average variable value for the lag/angle class

  • BANDW, the bandwidth for the lag/angle class

  • COUNT, the number of pairs in the lag/angle class

  • COVAR, the covariance value for the lag/angle class

  • DISTANCE, the average lag distance for the lag/angle class

  • LAG, the lag class value (in LAGDISTANCE= units)

  • RVARIO, the sample robust semivariance value for the lag/angle class

  • VARIOG, the sample semivariance value for the lag/angle class

  • VARNAME, the name of the current VAR= variable

The robust semivariance estimate, RVARIO, is not included in the data set if the user has not specified the option ROBUST in the DIRECTIONS statement.

The bandwidth variable, BANDW, is not included in the data set if no bandwidth specification is given in the COMPUTE statement or in a DIRECTIONS statement.

The OUTVAR= data set contains a line where the LAG variable is . The AVERAGE variable in this line displays the sample mean value of the SRF , and the COVAR variable shows the sample variance .

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