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The TCALIS Procedure |
COV Statement |
The COV statement is a subsidiary model specification statement for the FACTOR and LINEQS models. In the LINEQS model, the COV statement defines the covariances among the exogenous variables, including errors and disturbances. In the FACTOR model, the COV statement defines the factor covariances. In each assignment of the COV statement, you specify variables in the variables and the variables2 lists, followed by the covariance parameter specification in the parameter-spec list. Covariances with only values given are fixed constants. Covariances with names given are free parameters to estimate. You can also specify initial values for these free parameters by putting the parenthesized initial values after the parameter names. The assignments in the COV statement must be separated by commas. You can use only one COV statement in each model specification.
Consider a LINEQS model with exogenous variables V1, V2, V3, and V4. The following is a COV statement specification of the LINEQS model:
cov V2 V1 = 0.3, V3 V1 = phi1 (0.4), V3 V2 = phi2, V4 V3 = phi2;
In this statement, you specify cov(V2,V1) as a fixed constant at 0.3, cov(V3,V1) as parameter phi1 with an initial value at 0.4, cov(V3,V2) and cov(V4,V3) as a free parameter phi2 without an initial value.
Note that the variables and variables2 lists on the left-hand side of the equal sign of the COV statement should contain only names of exogenous variables. In LINEQS models, exogenous variables can be either observed or latent (including errors and disturbances). However, in the FACTOR models, only covariances among latent factors can be specified.
If the right-hand-side parameter list is longer than the left-hand-side variable list, the right-hand-side list is shortened to the length of the variable list. If the right-hand-side list is shorter than the variable list, the right-hand-side list is filled with repetitions of the last item in the list.
You can use one of two alternatives to specify covariance parameters. The first alternative uses only one variable list and refers to all distinct pairs of variables within the list. The second alternative uses two variable lists separated by an asterisk and refers to all pairs of variables among the two lists.
Using k variable names in the variables list on the left-hand side of an equal sign in a COV statement means that the parameter list (parameter-spec) on the right-hand side refers to all distinct variable pairs. Order is very important. The order relation between the left-hand-side variable pairs and the right-hand-side parameter list is illustrated by the following within-list covariances specification in the COV statement:
cov E1-E4 = PHI1-PHI6 ;
This specification is equivalent to the following specification:
cov E2 E1 = phi1, E3 E1 = phi2, E3 E2 = phi3, E4 E1 = phi4, E4 E2 = phi5, E4 E3 = phi6;
Because cov(a,b) is the same as cov(b,a), you need to specify only one of them for a covariance parameter of any two variables.
When you use prefix names on the right-hand sides, you do not have to count the exact number of parameters. For example, the following statement generates distinct parameter names by appending distinct numbers to the prefix phi:
cov E1-E4 = phi__ ;
Using and
variable names in the two lists (separated by an asterisk) on the left-hand side of an equal sign in a COV statement means that the covariance parameter list on the right-hand side refers to all
distinct variable pairs. Again, order is very important. The order relation between the left-hand-side variable pairs and the right-hand-side parameter list is illustrated by the following between-list covariances specification:
cov E1 E2 * E3 E4 = phi1-phi4;
This is equivalent to the following specification:
cov E1 E3 = phi1, E1 E4 = phi2, E2 E3 = phi3, E2 E4 = phi4;
Using prefix names on the right-hand sides lets you achieve the same purpose without counting the number of parameters. That is, you can specify the between-list covariances equivalently by the following statement:
cov E1 E2 * E3 E4 = phi__ ;
In LINEQS models, all covariances among exogenous manifest variables are free parameters to estimate unless you specify otherwise in the COV statement. The parameter names for these covariances are generated by PROC TCALIS with the prefix _Add and appended with integer suffixes. If you want any of these covariances be fixed values, you must specify them explicitly in the COV statement.
Emphasis must be put on the manifest variables for automatic covariance parameters generation. Covariaces among exogenous latent variables by default are fixed zeros unless they are specified otherwise in the COV statement. The same applies to any covariance between an exogenous latent variable and an exogenous manifest variable. Only among the set of exogenous mainfest variables are the covariance parameters automatically generated if they are not specified explicitly in the COV statement. This is different than the case of variance parameters. Variances of all exogenous variables are automatically generated if they are not explicitly specified in the STD statement.
If you define a new LINEQS model by using a reference (or base) model in the REFMODEL statement, in some situations you might want to modify some parameter specifications from the COV statement of the reference model before transferring the specifications to the new model. If you want to change a particular COV parameter specification from the reference model, you can simply put the corresponding parameter location with a new parameter specification in the new model. If you want to delete a particular parameter location from the reference model, you can put that parameter location with a missing parameter value in the new model. For example, if the covariance between variables V1 and V2 are defined in the reference model and you do not want this parameter location in your new model, you can use the following statement to delete the parameter location in the new model:
cov V1 V2 = .;
Note that the missing value syntax is valid only when you use with the REFMODEL statement. See the section Modifying a LINEQS Model from a Reference Model for a more detailed example of LINEQS model respecification.
In LINEQS models, all covariances among exogenous manifest variables are free parameters to estimate unless you specify otherwise in the COV statement. This is also true for LINEQS models specified under the REFMODEL statement. In the reference model, covariance parameters generated by PROC TCALIS are named with the _Add prefix and appended with integer suffixes. These parameter specifications in the reference model do not transfer to the new model. Only after the new model is resolved from the reference model, the REFMODEL statement options, the RENAMEPARM statement, and model respecifications do the remaining unspecified covariances among exogenous manifest variables generate additional covariance parameters with the _Add prefix and integer suffixes. In this way, the covariance parameters in the new model are not constrained to be the same as the corresponding parameters in the reference model. If you want any of these covariance parameters to be constrained across the models, you must specify them explicitly in the COV statement of the reference model so that the covariance specification is transferred to the new model.
Note: This procedure is experimental.
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