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The LIFETEST Procedure

Comparison of Two or More Groups of Survival Data

Let be the number of groups. Let be the underlying survivor function th group, . The null and alternative hypotheses to be tested are

for all


at least one of the ’s is different for some

respectively, where is the largest observed time.

Likelihood Ratio Test

The likelihood ratio test statistic (Lawless; 1982) for test versus assumes that the data in the various samples are exponentially distributed and tests that the scale parameters are equal. The test statistic is computed as


where is the total number of events in the th stratum, , is the total time on test in the th stratum, and . The approximate probability value is computed by treating as having a chi-square distribution with –1 degrees of freedom.

Nonparametric Tests

Let be the distinct event times in the pooled sample. At time , let be a positive weight function, and let and be the size of the risk set and the number of events in the th sample, respectively. Let , , and .

The choices of the weight function are given in Table 49.3.

Table 49.3 Weight Functions for Various Tests







modified Peto-Peto

Harrington-Fleming (,)

where is the product-limit estimate at for the pooled sample, and is a survivor function estimate close to given by

Unstratified Tests

The rank statistics (Klein and Moeschberger; 1997, Section 7.3) for testing versus have the form of a -vector with


and the estimated covariance matrix, , is given by


where is 1 if and 0 otherwise. The term can be interpreted as a weighted sum of observed minus expected numbers of failure under the null hypothesis of identical survival curves. The overall test statistic for homogeneity is , where denotes a generalized inverse of . This statistic is treated as having a chi-square distribution with degrees of freedom equal to the rank of for the purposes of computing an approximate probability level.

Stratified Tests

Suppose the test is to be stratified on levels of a set of STRATA variables. Based only on the data of the th stratum (), let be the test statistic (Klein and Moeschberger; 1997, Section 7.5) for the th stratum, and let be its covariance matrix. Let


A global test statistic is constructed as


Under the null hypothesis, the test statistic has a distribution with the same degrees of freedom as the individual test for each stratum.

Multiple-Comparison Adjustments

Let denote a chi-squared random variable with degrees of freedom. Denote and as the density function and the distribution function of a standard normal distribution, respectively. Let be the number of comparisons; that is,


For a two-sided test comparing the survival of the th group with that of th group, , the test statistic is


and the raw p-value is


Adjusted p-values for various multiple-comparison adjustments are computed as follows:

Bonferroni Adjustment
Dunnett-Hsu Adjustment


With the first group being the control, let be the matrix of contrasts; that is,


Let and be covariance and correlation matrices of , respectively; that is,




The factor-analytic covariance approximation of Hsu (1992) is to find such that


where is a diagonal matrix with the th diagonal element being and . The adjusted p-value is


which can be obtained in a DATA step as 1 – PROBMC("DUNNETT2", ,.,.,).

Scheffé Adjustment
idák Adjustment
SMM Adjustment

which can also be evaluated in a DATA step as 1 – PROBMC("MAXMOD",).

Tukey Adjustment

which can also be evaluated in a DATA step as 1 – PROBMC("RANGE",).

Trend Tests

Trend tests (Klein and Moeschberger; 1997, Section 7.4) have more power to detect ordered alternatives as

with at least one inequality


with at least one inequality

Let be a sequence of scores associated with the samples. The test statistic and its standard error are given by and , respectively. Under , the z-score


has, asymptotically, a standard normal distribution. PROC LIFETEST provides both one-tail and two-tail p-values for the test.

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