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Fit Analyses

Smoother Degrees of Freedom

For a nonparametric smoother with a parameter \lambda,the fitted values can be written as

\hat{y} = H_{\lambda} y
where y is the n×1 vector of observed responses yi, \hat{y} is the n×1 vector of fitted values \hat{ y_{i}} =\hat{f_\lambda}( x_{i}),and the smoother matrix H_{\lambda}is an n×n matrix that depends on the value of \lambda.

The degrees of freedom, or the effective number of parameters, of a smoother can be used to compare different smoothers and to describe the flexibility of the smoother. SAS/INSIGHT software defines the degrees of freedom of a smoother as

df_{\lambda} = \rm{trace}( H_{\lambda})
which is the sum of the diagonal elements of H_{\lambda}.

Two other popular definitions of degrees of freedom for a smoother are {\rm{trace}( H_{\lambda}{ H_{\lambda}'}) } and {\rm{trace}(2 H_{\lambda}- H_{\lambda}{ H_{\lambda}'}) }(Hastie and Tibshirani 1990).

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