Features: |
proc authlib lib=abcde;
proc authlib lib=abcde;
195 proc authlib lib=abcde; 196 remove 197 pw=XXXXXXXX/; 198 run; WARNING: Some or all the passwords on ABCDE.DEPTNAME.DATA were removed along with the secured library object location, leaving the data set unprotected. NOTE: The secured table object location for ABCDE.DEPTNAME.DATA was successfully removed. WARNING: Some or all the passwords on ABCDE.EMPINFO.DATA were removed along with the secured library object location, leaving the data set unprotected. NOTE: The secured table object location for ABCDE.EMPINFO.DATA was successfully removed. WARNING: Some or all the passwords on ABCDE.EMPLOYEE.DATA were removed along with the secured library object location, leaving the data set unprotected. NOTE: The secured table object location for ABCDE.EMPLOYEE.DATA was successfully removed. NOTE: Successfully deleted the secured library object that was located at: SecuredFolder: /System/Secured Libraries/Department XYZZY SecuredLibrary: ABCDEEmps SecuredLibraryGUID: 9F746F86-2336-4E2F-A67E-BFB77DEC27F0 NOTE: Successfully deleted the recorded location of the secured library object for the physical library ABCDE. 199 quit;