Features: |
proc authlib lib=abcde;
create securedlibrary="ABCDEEmps"
securedfolder="Department XYZZY"
WRITE= password efgh
, and ALTER= password ijkl
before the library is secured by the statements. The third data set,
Product, is not protected with any passwords.proc authlib lib=abcde;
the data sets in the PW= argument before the new password secretpw,
separated by a slash (/). create securedlibrary="ABCDEEmps"
securedfolder="Department XYZZY"
39 proc authlib lib=abcde; 40 create securedlibrary="ABCDEEmps" 41 securedfolder="Department XYZZY" 42 pw=XXXX/XXXXXXXX; 43 run; NOTE: Successfully created a secured library object for the physical library ABCDE and recorded its location as: SecuredFolder: /System/Secured Libraries/Department XYZZY SecuredLibrary: ABCDEEmps SecuredLibraryGUID: 9F746F86-2336-4E2F-A67E-BFB77DEC27F0 NOTE: Successfully added new secured table object "DEPTNAME.DATA" to the secured library object at path "/System/Secured Libraries/Department XYZZY/ABCDEEmps" for data set ABCDE.DEPTNAME.DATA. NOTE: The passwords on ABCDE.DEPTNAME.DATA were successfully modified. NOTE: Successfully added new secured table object "EMPINFO.DATA" to the secured library object at path "/System/Secured Libraries/Department XYZZY/ABCDEEmps" for data set ABCDE.EMPINFO.DATA. NOTE: The passwords on ABCDE.EMPINFO.DATA were successfully modified. NOTE: Successfully added new secured table object "EMPLOYEE.DATA" to the secured library object at path "/System/Secured Libraries/Department XYZZY/ABCDEEmps" for data set ABCDE.EMPLOYEE.DATA. NOTE: The passwords on ABCDE.EMPLOYEE.DATA were successfully modified. 44 quit;