Measurement Systems Analysis

Example A.4 Honest Gauge R&R for Gasket Thickness

You can use the %hongrr macro to perform an Honest Gauge R&R Study on the data from the ABC Company from Example A.3:

%hongrr(ABC, condition=Operator, value=Trial);

The results are shown in Output A.4.1.

Output A.4.1: Honest Gauge R&R Results

Honest Gauge R&R Study for ABC

Honest Gauge RR Analysis Table
Upper-Range Limit Check Not Exceeded
Number of Samples 10
Number of Nuisance Component Levels 3
Number of Replications 2
Estimated PE Variance 0.001154
Estimated O Variance 0.001142
Estimated E Variance 0.002296
Estimated P Variance 0.031838
Estimated X Variance 0.034134
Repeatability Proportion of Variation 0.033810
Reproducibility Proportion of Variation 0.033465
Combined RR Proportion of Variation 0.067275
Probable Error 0.022931
Intraclass Correlation 0.9327
System Classification First Class
Measurement Increment 0.01
Measurement Increment Action Correct number of digits

See Wheeler (2006) for a description of the Honest Gauge R&R Study and instructions for interpreting its results.