Working with the Data Management Profile Node

Overview of the Data Management Profile Node

You can add a Data Management Profile node to a Flow tab in an orchestration job to run DataFlux Data Management Studio profile jobs on DataFlux Data Management Servers. The available profile jobs are automatically populated into the Data management profile field in the Data Management Profile tab of the node.

Inputs and Outputs to the Data Management Profile Node

The Data Management Profile node can take the inputs and outputs listed in the following table:
Inputs and Outputs to the Data Management Profile Node
(TRUE, FALSE) Determines whether the server log and status files are deleted at completion. Defaults to null, which deletes the log and status files
The profile report description
The name of the profile job to run on the server
The proxy server host name
The proxy server port name
(TRUE, FALSE) Determines whether the log file is stored locally or placed in the temp directory
The DataFlux Data Management Server name to connect to the server
The time-out length for each call to the server. This value is the time to actually start the process running. Values >0 = seconds, <0 = microseconds (10^-6), 0 = no time-out
(TRUE, FALSE) Determines whether this node waits (stays running) until a finished state is returned
Unique Outputs:
The resolved server authentication type
The job request ID for this run of the job
The status message from the server
The path to the log file, if requested
The resolved authentication domain
The resolved host name, including the URI scheme (http:// or https://)
The resolved listen port
The resolved proxy server host
The resolved proxy server port

Using the Data Management Profile Node

You can create an orchestration job that uses a Data Management Profile node in the Flow tab to add a profile job to the overall job. For example, you could create a sample orchestration job that contains a Data Management Profile node that adds a reference to a simple profile job from DataFlux Data Management Studio.
This sample orchestration job is shown in the following display:
Data Management Profile Job
Data Management Profile Job
The settings for the batch job are entered in the Data Management Profile tab in the Data Management Profile node, as shown in the following display:
Data Management Profile Settings
Data Management Profile Settings
Select the DataFlux Data Management Server that contains the job that you need to run from the list of registered servers. These servers must be registered in SAS Management Console. Then navigate to the job on the selected server. The batch job for this particular example is a DataFlux Data Management Studio data job named PO_SimpleProfile1.
The selection window for the DataFlux Data Management profile job is shown in the following display:
Data Management Profile Selection Window
Data Management Profile Selection Window
The following display shows the Status tab for a successfully completed profile job:
Status Tab for the PO_SimpleProfile1 Job
Status Tab for the PO_SimpleProfile1 Job