Analyzing the Sample Path

Running a Simulation

Suppose that you have built the model in Figure 9.1. You start and stop this simulation using the button on the command panel in the simulation window. The start image button starts the simulation by sending a start message to each of the components in the model. Similarly, the stop image button stops the simulation.

commandb.gif (2705 bytes)

Figure 9.2: The Command Panel and Buttons

Also note that the reset image button stops and resets the simulation by sending the reset message to each component. But first it stops the simulation, resets the simulation clock, and removes all pending actions. For example, all queues are emptied and transactions in service are discarded.

The animateb image button toggles animation on and off. Animation is one effective way to validate a model. You simply turn animation on and observe the simulation behavior. In addition, you can add Triggers and StringHolders to display and print state information to help you with model validation.

Another way to control the simulation is with the Component Control Panel as shown in Figure 9.3.

cpsimula.gif (6505 bytes)

Figure 9.3: The Component Control Panel

Notice the buttons on the right side of the control panel. When any of these buttons are clicked, a message is sent to each of the selected components. For example, you can select a component from the Components list box and start it only by clicking the Start button. It sends the start message to the selected component. This is typically not the way to start the simulation since not all components will be started, but it is the typical way to analyze component performance with the Analyze button.

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