Building a Model with Elementary Components

Chart Components

There are five types of charts and a Bucket component. The charts are used to display information about the performance of the system. The bucket collects data. Charts can be used in two ways: you can drag and drop a component (queue, server, or NumberHolder, for example) on a chart and then choose the attribute of the component you want to display in the chart and the frequency with which to sample the component. In those cases, the chart will instantiate a bucket within it to collect the data. On the other hand, if you drop a bucket into a chart, the chart uses that instant as its data source. This is used to display attribute data in transactions.

bucket imageBucketcollect value of an attribute for analysis
vhistogr imageVHistogramvertical histogram of numeric data
hhistogr imageHHistogramhorizontal histogram of numeric data
vboxplot imageVBoxPlotvertical box plot of numeric data
hboxplot imageHBoxPlothorizontal box plot of numeric data
lineplot imageLinePlotplot of numeric data over simulation time


Box Plot


Line Plot

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