Building a Model with Elementary Components

Router Component

The Router and Switch components are for controlling the flow of transactions as a function of the state of the simulation. The Router can have a formula associated with each arc directed away from it. When a transaction arrives at the Router, each formula is evaluated and the transaction flows down all arcs with formulas that evaluate to TRUE. The Switch is similar to the Router, but it has only one formula associated with it. The formula evaluation is interpreted as a case, which identifies an arc or set of arcs down which the transaction should flow. If the evaluation does not identify a valid case, the transaction flows out the Balk node.

The following documents the logic of the Router component.

Transaction Arrival

evaluates the formula for each arc leaving the router. If an evaluation returns TRUE, then the transaction flows down the associated arc.

Request for Transaction

The request is sent up each arc directed into the component.

Are You Busy Message

If any of the components on arcs directed out of the Router is busy, then return TRUE; else, return FALSE.

Query Message

Keyword Meaning
idreturns the component's unique identifier

Trigger Message

Keyword Meaning
resetresets the Router
startstarts the Router
stopstops the Router

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