specifies the numeric-valued variable in the Activity data set that sets B_FINISH.
specifies the numeric-valued variable in the Activity data set that sets B_START.
compares a specific schedule (EARLY, LATE, RESOURCE or ACTUAL) in the Activity data set with the baseline schedule. The COMPARE
option is valid only if the input data set already has a B_START and a B_FINISH variable or if the SET= option is also specified.
In other words, the COMPARE option is valid only if there is a baseline schedule to compare with. The comparison is specified
in two variables in the Schedule data set, S_VAR and F_VAR, which have the following definition:
S_VAR = Compare Start - B_START;
F_VAR = Compare Finish - B_FINISH;
where Compare Start and Compare Finish refer to the start and finish times corresponding to the schedule that is used as a comparison.
The values of the variables S_VAR and F_VAR are calculated in units of the INTERVAL= parameter, taking into account the calendar
defined for the activity.
specifies which of the four schedules (EARLY, LATE, RESOURCE, or ACTUAL) to set the baseline schedule equal to. The SET= option
causes the addition of two new variables in the Schedule data set; these are the B_START and B_FINISH variables. The procedure
sets B_START and B_FINISH equal to the start and finish times corresponding to the EARLY, LATE, ACTUAL, or RESOURCE schedules.
If the Activity data set already has a B_START and B_FINISH variable, it is overwritten by the SET= option and a warning is
displayed. The value RESOURCE is valid only if resource-constrained scheduling is being performed, and the value ACTUAL is
valid only if the ACTUAL statement is present.
Note: The values ACTUAL, RESOURCE, and so on cause the B_START and B_FINISH values to be set to the computed values of A_START, S_START, …, and so on. They cannot be used to set the B_START and B_FINISH values to be equal to, say,
A_START and A_FINISH or S_START and S_FINISH, if these variables are present in the Activity data set; to do that you must
specifies the name of the schedule (EARLY, LATE, ACTUAL, or RESOURCE) that can be used to update the B_START and B_FINISH variables. This sets B_START and B_FINISH on the basis of the specified schedules only when the values of the baseline variables are missing in the Activity data set. The UPDATE option is valid only if the Activity
data set already has B_START and B_FINISH. Note that if both the UPDATE= and SET= options are specified, the SET= specification
is used.