The Projman Application

Task Bar Options

Show Milestones

When this check box is selected, all activities that have zero duration are represented on the Gantt chart by a milestone symbol. This option is ignored unless the report Resolution option is set for graphics-quality output.

Combine Schedules

When this check box is selected, the early/late and actual schedule bars of an activity are concatenated into a single bar on the Gantt chart. A vertical reference line is automatically drawn at the current timenow date. This timenow line acts to partition the Gantt chart into two regions; the region to the left of the timenow line reporting the actual schedule (events that have already taken place) and the region to the right (including the timenow line) reporting only the predicted early/late schedule.

Mark Parent Tasks

When this check box is selected, symbols are added to the activity bars of supertasks on the Gantt charts. These symbols emphasize the parent-child relationship between the supertask and its subtasks. This option is used only when the report Resolution option is set for graphics-quality output.

Mark Weekends

When this check box is selected, all weekends (or nonworked days during a week) are marked on the Gantt chart.

Mark Work Breaks

When this check box is selected, all work breaks (nonworked periods) during a day are marked on the Gantt chart. This option automatically activates the Mark Weekends option.

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