The Projman Application

Chart Control Options

Horizontal Pages

When the Horizontal Pages check box is selected, the Gantt chart is scaled so that it spans the specified number of pages in the horizontal direction. The desired number of pages can be adjusted with the horizontal slider. Note that this option is used only when the report Resolution option is set for graphics-quality output. Due to intrinsic constraints on the output, the number of generated pages may not be exactly equal to the amount specified with this option.

Vertical Pages

When the Vertical Pages check box is selected, the Gantt chart is scaled so that it spans the specified number of pages in the vertical direction. The desired number of pages can be adjusted with the horizontal slider. Note that this option is used only when the report Resolution option is set for graphics-quality output. Due to intrinsic constraints on the output, the number of generated pages may not be exactly equal to the amount specified with this option.

Compress To One Page

When this check box is selected, the Gantt chart is compressed so that it is drawn on one physical page. Note that this option is ignored unless the report Resolution option is set for graphics-quality output.

Proportional Compress

When this check box is selected, the Gantt chart is compressed so that it is drawn on one physical page. This selection is the same as the Compress To One Page option except that the compression of the chart is done proportionally to maintain the correct aspect ratio. In other words, the amount of horizontal and vertical compression is equal. Note that this selection is used only when the report Resolution option is set for graphics-quality output.

Fill Pages Completely

When the Gantt chart spans multiple pages, this option causes each page of the Gantt chart to be filled completely before a new page is started. By default, the pages are constrained to contain an approximately equal number of activities.

Show Chart Legend

When this check box is selected, a concise default legend is displayed at the end of each page of the Gantt chart.

Suppress Chart Frame

When this check box is selected, the vertical boundaries to the left and right of the Gantt chart are not drawn; only the time axis and a parallel line at the bottom of the chart are drawn. If this check box is cleared, the entire chart is framed. Note that this option is ignored unless the report Resolution option is set for graphics-quality output.

Draw TimeNow Line

When this check box is selected, a vertical reference line is drawn on the time axis at the timenow date.

Label TimeNow Line

If the Draw TimeNow Line check box is selected, selecting this check box displays the value of the timenow date below the timenow line at the bottom of the Gantt chart.

Print Id On Each Page

When the Gantt chart spans multiple pages, selecting this check box causes all values in the Identifier list to be displayed on each page of the Gantt chart.

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