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The Unconstrained Nonlinear Programming Solver

Example 13.2 Solving the Accumulated Rosenbrock Function

Suppose you want to solve the accumulated Rosenbrock function, which contains 100 variables. For ease of understanding the formulation, define to be an ordered set of indices of the decision variables and to be an ordered set of all indices in except the last one. In other words,


The mathematical formulation of the problem is as follows:


You can use PROC OPTMODEL to solve the problem as shown in the following statements:

proc optmodel;
  set setI = {1 .. 100};         /* declare index sets */
  set setJ = setI diff {100};
  set elementsToPrint = {1 .. 10};
  var x {setI};
  minimize z = sum{j in setJ} ((1 - x[j])^2 +
              100*(x[j + 1] - x[j]^2)^2);
  solve with nlpu / printfreq = 0;
  print {k in elementsToPrint} x[k];

The Rosenbrock function has a unique global minimizer . The optimal solution is displayed in Output 13.2.1.

Output 13.2.1 Optimal Solution to the Accumulated Rosenbrock Function
The OPTMODEL Procedure

Problem Summary
Objective Sense Minimization
Objective Function z
Objective Type Nonlinear
Number of Variables 100
Bounded Above 0
Bounded Below 0
Bounded Below and Above 0
Free 100
Fixed 0
Number of Constraints 0

Solution Summary
Objective Function z
Solution Status Optimal
Objective Value 4.723956E-14
Iterations 501
Optimality Error 5.9808243E-7

1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 1
7 1
8 1
9 1
10 1

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